
What do you think are the difference bewteen KS1 & KS2 and what are the consequences for teaching these groups

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What do you think are the difference bewteen KS1 & KS2 and what are the consequences for teaching these groups




  1. Kids are younger in KS1

  2. From a teacher's point of view, I would say that initially a leaning towards one age or the other comes naturally within your own preference.  There are challenges for teachers in both Key stages, but issues like pupils' ability to concentrate on a task for any length of time may well be something to consider.  Younger children - shorter time scales generally - thus more activities etc.  Generally, the expectation of concentrated application increases as the children get older.  

    Primary teachers are expected to teach in any year group from Year 1 to 6.  Generally however, through experience, teachers find their preferred level/age groups.  

    In practical terms, preparation of work, assessment, planning of activities require the same for the KS groups - albeit it could be said that the older the child becomes, the greater the marking load!  

    The above is a rather short answer, as I could probably write reams, but I hope what I have written helps a little.  As I am unsure of the reason for your question - I have just had to take a best guess to assist.  Hope it does.

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