
What do you think are the greatest problems facing the human race right now?

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The environment, diseases, energy?




  1. it must be plural question..there r not one problem...

    pollution,population,poverty...n everything iscreated by man

  2. Climate change.  We haven't even thought through the ramifications of this.

  3. Laziness

    in one aspect or another

  4. I think the greatest problems we face are stupidity and apathy.

  5. Nome of those.

    It's plainly...other humans!

  6. The physical threats facing the human race:

    Environmental pollution, e.g., water, food, air, land.

      1.  Running out of room here on earth due to:

            a)  overpopulation

            b)  trash; depletion of landfills

    Social/Spiritual/Moral threats to the human race:

    1.  Churches that no longer minister to peoples' basic needs and to lead people to salvation, but are, instead, ministering with the objective of building bigger, richer churches.

    2.  Divorce  

      a)  children who are hungry for a father's leadership and guidance end up joining gangs, selling and/or using drugs/alcohol,  and becoming involved in all sorts of sociopathic activities as they look to fill that void inside themselves.

    3. Promiscuity, leading to:

         a)  Scores of illegitimate births

         b)  STDs such as AIDS, gonorrhea, human pap. virus,   trich., syphyllis, etc. etc. etc.

    4. Homosexual marriage

    5. Child Sexual abuse and child pornography

    6. Heroin and methamphetamine addiction (the other drugs are perilous also, but these two have become twin scourges in the U.S. and elsewhere in the world).

    7. (Spoken from the viewpoint of an American Christian and one who believes in salvation via Jesus Christ):

       a)  Naive, gullible persons who offer unconditional hospitality to Islamist groups and accomodate them to the point of sabbotaging the safety, security and religious convictions of their own country and their own people.

       b)  Islamists achieving their goal in coercing other inhabitants of the earth to become followers of Islam or suffer a certain death.

  7. pollution, overpopulation, greed, homelessness, hunger, cruelty, inhumane people.

  8. going to yahoo answers for your problems.

  9. Civilization collapse due to over-complexity and dwindling resources. We need to localize our energy and food sources, and figure out how we are going to get around the fact that the global copper supply is going to be exhausted in 25 years (no joke).

    We are all too interconnected at the moment, if anything goes wrong in one place, the economy of half a dozen other countries will tank at the same time. It's an inherently fragile system. If you get a nasty disease, you just can't quarantine an area effectively. We need to start manufacturing goods and food locally.

  10. The biggest threat is our inability to be critical thinkers; our mental evolution is paramount to our survival.

  11. We'd be a perfect race if we didn't have those d**n distinguished citizen.  Goody two-shoes are bringing us all down.

  12. Willful stupidity.  We did okay evolving from animals that were not all that bright.  But once we started electing politicians like Reagan and Bush, who brag that they base their decisions on gut reactions and instincts rather than information and thought we were in trouble.  Willful stupidity and greed in high places are killers and are the underlying causes of most environmental problems.

  13. Environment, I remember in my childhood, western parts of India used to be very chilled with freezing temperatures during  Nov. to Jan. at times, at same places, you find very few people with sweaters on now a days, the climatic change the biggest disaster comming on with tortise pace, the myth will repeat some day, be ready with big boats to save the life on earth.

  14. Energy Crisis; that will create and exacerbate all other problems.

    With enough of it, we can solve almost any problem.

    Without, first the economy gets hit, then follows social-ethnic instability and hostile ideas get popular, and finally war, war, and more war.

  15. Hate... everyone just loves to hate!

  16. 3 problems. Defense.  Social Security.  Medicaid.  Unlimited demand and limited resources.  We write checks that our azzes can't afford and its finally caught up with us.

  17. George W. Bush

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