
What do you think are the main reasons for 11- 13 year olds being involved in so many road accidents?

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I'm doing a bit of research on this. Do you have any anecdotal evidence- this would be very useful!




  1. Times have changed.

    a. They dont watch the hedgehog road safety video anymore that was drummed into us in primary school.


    b. the lack of parent supervision nowadays since so many kids are allowed to freely roam the streets late at night now.

  2. An increase in the number of deaths on the roads of UK involving 11-13 year olds, may simply be a lack of road craft and training.

    Hundreds of thousands of kids are taken to school in the family car, thus they do not ever learn how to walk the streets in safety.

    Those kids who are walked to school, tend on the whole to learn road craft from a parent or older sibling.

    Back in the 1960s-1970s we had the Green Cross Code, which helped kids understand the importance of roadcraft - how and where to cross the road.  To avoid suddenly appearing between to vehicles etc.

    I was born in 1941 and grew up during and in the immediate postwar years when roadcraft was a taught.  I walked about 2 miles each way to and from school, and had to cross a railway line plus a couple of busy roads.

    Kids must be taught roadcraft from their first steps and not delay doing this until they are age 5+ - it's too late then.

    The Greeks invented a word which they called CHARACTER.  A child's character is formed between the time of their birth up to age 5.  That is the time to instill in a child the importance of self preservation.

  3. They start nicking cars young 'round here...

  4. Well this age group arent allowed to drive any form of engine assisted road vehicle. However, their attention can get easily diverted when crossing roads etc. This is part of growing up and being a teenager, by the time theyre adults, and start driving, their sence of hazard perception, and negotiation will be a fat lot better than it currently is.

  5. texting whilst crossing the roads.

  6. If he/ shes not withe her parents maybe its the people/person he/shes with.

  7. alcohol involve, friends,street fights

  8. alcohol-related

  9. There are a number or reasons, for example, listening to audio or texting on phone, being unaware of the traffic. Also, young people out and about playing "games" involving pushing, shoving, or any physical contact, may also affect the road accident figures of 11-13 year olds.

    Also, the "Chavs" as some are known, act as though as they were 'daredevils', running across dangerous roads.

    Or, sometimes, careless drivers, passing through red lights.

  10. they are to busy doing other things, think they are invulnerable and don't have an adult with them. the number of times i had to grab my kids was ridiculous and they where walked to school and taught to keep their eyes open.

  11. Too busy listening to Ipods, Mp3's, talking with mates, playing on their mobile phones, Trying to be smart with the traffic, alchohol.  I don't have evidence, but I witness it all the time looking out my window.

  12. god knows.....

    he does,ask him!

  13. Because they don't look when crossing the road.  When they go to primary school, they're normally dropped off and picked up but as soon as they start secondary school, they go by themselves.  For many it's the first time they have to cross a lot of roads with their mates and no adult company, so they're not concentrating.

  14. this is usually the age at which children are allowed to walk to school and play out on their own.

  15. Not watching where they are going.  This could be because they are talking to their mates, or busy on the 'phone or messing about with their MP3 player.  But at the end of the day, if it's not suicide, the only reason for walking infront of a car (provided the car isn't speeding or being driven dangerously) is because you aren't watching the road.

    Perhaps the question/research should be "What are 11-13 year olds doing when they should be watching the road?"

  16. Do you mean involved or injured? Injury could be down to a reluctance to wear seat belts. Involvement could be that they just don't pay attention as they cross the road. They are still children really and easily distracted, but yet they have the freedom to roam that they didn't have when younger.

  17. Because all kids at that age are idiots who think they are invincible.

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