
What do you think are the most important factors for two people to fall in love??

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i mean most people say it happens in stages - you have the initial physical attraction to each other, then the getting to know eachother phase, followed by becoming an item and hopefully some time after - love.

but what is most important in making two people love eachother, attraction, personality, compatitibility.

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  1. The left one AND the right one!

  2. Initially it is mutual flattery. You make them feel good and they make you feel good.

    This can sustain a relationship for a while - just making each other feel special.

    For long term relationships you still need the flattery a little, but it becomes a lot more about compromise.

    So - mutual flattery and compromise and you have a winning relationship.

    I know people say sense of humour and looks and all that, but these things are easily over looked if the person makes you feel special.

  3. There are two factors

    1. Falling

    2. Love

  4. there r two types of LOVE...Love at first site & Love after time being together....u should physically like ur partner (thats for sure) as u need to find ur partner s**y in some way or another for further contact...i mean if u dont like ur partners physical appearence then how can u become one (marriage)...b is finding ur partner cute at any time of the day like when she wakes up with her hair all messed up also is love (sometimes blind ;) )

  5. for me it seems to be:

    not being able to have her and having her and losing her

  6. physical attration, trust, they have to get on with each other

    i think trust is the most important

    if you cant trust your partner its never going to work

  7. being friends

    we got some haters giving us the thumbs down, probably never been in love themselves, boooo!!!!

  8. 1 .personality !

  9. you have to 'get' each other.

  10. biology and compatibility - if they are strongly attracted and share the same out look on life then it can last

    i wish society was more romantic! we're not set up to play happy families like our forefathers :-(

  11. Sexual and visual attraction first off

    then you both 'get' and 'dig' each others jokes and things and can chat and hang otu and feel relaxed around one another......

  12. SIZE ;-)

  13. Technically, it does happen in stages. and as for the most important for making a successful relationship? It all depends on the person. Some people need to be friends before, and some can just hit it off immediately. The safest way would have to be finding someone that catches your interest, and become friends. And hopefully it goes the way you want it to from there. Hope i helped a bit.  =]

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