
What do you or not?

by  |  earlier

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Ok... my husband and I have been trying for a baby since March. I found out I was pregnant in July and then miscarried. We were going to start TTC again in September or October, but right now our financial situation isn't that great. Our bills are definitely getting paid on time but we have very little left over after they're paid. I know ultimately it's mine and my husband's decision, but do you think we should still try for a baby or wait a little longer? Any advice is appreciated.





  1. My opinion is if you wait till you can afford a baby, you will never get there.  You didn't say how old you and your husband are, but that would factor into the decision whether to wait or not for me!

  2. Honey, you have 9 months to fix your situation before baby gets here. If you are having trouble getting pregnant I wouldnt wait, you will figure things out. By the time you have the baby, even if the budget is still a little tight, you will have what you and your husband have been wanting and thats what counts. As long as you are not like counting change to eat or anything, I am sure everything will be fine, you family may be able to help as well, you would be suprised what they come up with once they see that baby. It will work out. Best of luck to you. Also, if you thing money may be too much of an issue, you can buy secnd hand, or if you are not ok with that, buy things here and there durring your entire pregancy, thats what I did. You never know what you will get for your shower, but pwople will give money or gift cards you can use whenever, if you missed something.

  3. i say keep trying. you never know, you could end up taking years and years to concieve. But hey there's nothing like having a baby. Babies are expensive but there are always ways to overcome that and get what you need. GOOD LUCK!

  4. you may want to wait a little because you would rather be more stable. Having a baby is a big expense. Its always better to be prepared.

  5. I am going through this same exact thing. We started trying in April, and things at work became shaky. I just had the conversation with my husband this morning, and we decided to wait one year. We don't want to get pregnant and then find out I have no job with nothing to fall back on. So we set a goal for ourselves. Whichever comes first for us, amass 10 grand in savings or 1 years time lapse and I still have my job.

    This is just what I did, your situation may be different. But goodluck all the same.

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