
What do you think...beaten with a cow leg.?

by Guest57816  |  earlier

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one of the most weirdest dreams i ever had.

I was me, at first. and someone was after me. i wasnt sure who, or why, but eventually they found me. and they killed me. my dying isnt really vivid. but i woke up(in my dream) as somebody else. i was a teenage girl, old enough for a job. and i had to live the life of the person who i had woke up in. somehow i knew what to do, and i lived for a day the life of the girl i went to school as her, and then, at the end of the day. I stole a car in the school parking lot. turns out the car i stole still had the owner in the back seat. somehow, we became friends and i went to work at wal-mart. I was smoking in the back on my break(it was night time, and i am not a smoker, ive never touched a cigarette in my life.) and i heard crashing in the woods in the back of wal-mart. some how, i remembered that my body was behind there, the girl i had become frieds with, and told the story of my death and coming back, came running towards me. We went into..




  1. Are you taking drugs / If so its the why of this dream

  2. You may be "lactose intolerant". Our dreams tell us in symbols what is going on in our reality.

  3. WOW

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