
What do you think bull c**p my opinion (kinda Funny)?

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Ther is a kinda scrawny boy but yet in good shape kid at our school he claims to be a martial artist but he hardly ever talks and there is this big defensive line man that has never lost a fight before he decided to make the kid look bad and went over to pick on him he grabbed him by the shirt next thing you know the defensive line man is on the ground and the martial artist got suspended they think he started it to show off but he didn't all they are looking at is who won do you think that is wrong or what




  1. I agree with you.  Suspended or not, I bet that's the last time a jock picks on the scrawny kid.

  2. I have seen this happen at my school too, and there is an explanation as to why the martial artist got the boot for a little bit. Martial artists ARE NOT CONSIDERED WEAPONS, but they are held at a higher standard because they have more training in combat than the average joe does. A couple kids at my school got suspended because of this, and I almost got suspended also, but the camera in the cafeteria showed that I warned the kid before he threw the first punch. I myself think that it is unfair that the person who defends them self gets suspended, no matter what training they have had. So, if you ever get in a fight, and you are a martial artist, and you know that you can win the fight, warn the guy who is about to attack you.  

  3. lol ive been in a situation like that. unfortunately martial artist get into more trouble for fighting because they are considered weapons and 80% of the the time the person who starts the fight wins. that is mainly what teachers are used to so that is all they look at.

    but yes i think it is bull c**p myself.

  4. Do the administrators know he didn't start it?  If not, step up and tell them.

    It might not matter, but no reason not to (unless you're the jock's friend).

  5. Haha. I love to see that happen. Except I think he was wrongfully suspended. But, you can't do much about it.

  6. this to me sounds like politics. it is way more likely for the football player to not get into trouble at a jock school. how ever I do not believe your story. if it is true I believe you heard about it through the grape vine and actually do not know what happened

  7. It can be wrong and it can be right. For one he was probably just protecting himself since martial arts is for self-defence. And it can be wrong because he didn't HAVE to do that. After that he couldn't gone told the principal or something.

  8. He probably got in more trouble because he did something excessive or did a lot of damage. He might have been showing off, I didn't see so I can't know.

    Between the two of them, I'd rather be the scrawny suspended winner than the jock who got his butt handed to him.  

  9. From a school administration perspective, it's much easier to have an overarching policy on fighting.  Although there are some innocent people who will get punished for defending themselves, 10 more fights will be discouraged because they saw those kids get suspended and probably pay hefty tickets.  It's a numbers game and it helps the school with their violent statistics.  It's also a good values lesson for the would be victim to understand that life is not fair, and that there is a price to pay for standing up for yourself.  It doesn't mean you shouldn't stand up for yourself, you just have to understand that it isn't free.

    It's also important to realize that although teachers and principals are like many tax paid authority figures - In many cases they don't have the training or even mental or social skill sets to understand and deal with a self defense situation.  I realized that I was smarter than my school administrators when I was probably about 13, but I still followed their rules.

    If the fighter had thought on his feet, when the football player grabbed at him, he would've deflected his hand and walked away, or he might have even just simply asked what he wanted and they guy might have left him alone.

  10. most schools have a policy that both parties get suspended.  I know a teacher from  an inner city school who blocked a kid from putting a finger in his face and was brought into the principals office.  It's all Martial artists.

       we had this discussion at the dojo.  As a black belt, if someone picks a fight with you your suppose to tell them.  You can be held liable if you hurt them. "Your a trainer fighter" This usually will make matters worse.  You know, I kicked a black belts #@@.

    As a parent and a black belt, I would make it the best suspension my son every had. You do what you need to to defend yourself. nothing more, nothing less. and you deal with the consequences.  As someone else said, no one will mess with him again.

  11. The line man grabbed the scrawny kid by the shirt! and the scrawny kid proceded to take him to the ground. thats self defense in my book. if you know what happened, then step up and say something. the scrawny kid will protect you if the football team goes after you!

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