
What do you think came first? The chicken or the egg? and why?

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please no religious c**p.




  1. The rooster...

    ...and the chicken was pissed off because she wasn't satisfied...

  2. I expect you are referring to a hen or hen's egg.

    The egg was a development as aquatic animals became semi terrestrial, for example amphibians. They breathe air, and although need water, most do not inhabit water all the time. A tortoise leaves the sea to make a nest up the beach. The egg shell was a development allowing protection of the embryo without dessication. By the period when birds flocked, the egg had been around for millions of years.

  3. the crocodile, they were here long b-4 chickens

  4. I think the chicken did.

    But I don't think it's because of the Bible.

    No one was there when God "created" Earth, so we can't really say that it's because he created adult animals.

  5. The chicken....God put them here.

  6. The egg. What "gave birth" to the egg wasn't a chicken, but something a little bit further up the evolutionary line. A genetic variation occurred and the chicken was born... from the egg that wasn't layed by a chicken

    so from the egg came what we now call the chicken, which by various means had an advantage over the other un-evolved offspring and continued to reproduce passing on it's superior genetic make-up until it became the dominant species in this particular niche.

    It's the same logic as micro-evolution, rabbits have good hearing because rabbits born with good hearing survived

  7. the chicken

    there is no way that all anumals and humans were born just born from eggs

    can you imagine just eggs everywhere suddenly hatching?


    chicken came first

    if your christian then God didnt make eggs

    he made animals

  8. the chicken did, its called evolution..  there would not be an egg if something never gave it birth. the thing that gave it birth did'nt neccesary have to come from  an egg.

  9. The Rooster, then the Chicken, then the eggs, thats why they are called THE CHOOKS

  10. It’s a unending debate that who came first, but if u think scientifically, an egg came first bcoz egg is a single cell and chicken is multicellular.  Its true that it must not be in the form we eat today, but the universal truth is life evolved from single cell.

  11. The egg. Because a different species had evolved and finally made an egg that was what we call today a chicken.

  12. The Chicken, because how would the egg be able to incubate itself? It wouldn't! the chicken had to come first, PERIOD!

  13. The chicken evolved into a chicken, then had an egg and produced more chickens.

    Chicken came first.

  14. No, the chicken came after the egg, whatever evolved into a chicken was laying eggs before it was a chicken. Evolutionary changes relating to offspring surivival take the upmost priority when it comes to natural selection. Therefore the ability to poduce eggs was far established before it morphed into the modern day chicken.

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