
What do you think caused the Little Ice Age?

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What do you think caused the Little Ice Age?




  1. I think the little ice age has been caused by the decrease in the sun's pores.Previously,the sun's pores were increasing steadily and that's what caused global warming.But now as they have been decreasing and this is causing the decrease in temperature.Thats why the scientists think there is going to be anm ice age again.

  2. ice age is a period of long-term reduction in the tempreture of the earth's surface and atmosphere,resuilting in an expantion of continental ice sheets,polar ice sheets and alpine glaciers.following r the factors which caused mini ice age:changes in earth's atmospheric composition may alter the climate,while climate change itself can change the atmospheric composition.other factor which caused ice age are:the motion of tectonic plates,variation in solar output,impact of large meteorites & volcanic eruptions of supervolcanoes.

  3. Michael Verheughe gives a very good answer. There are natural cycles of low frequency climate variability,  and these are the most probable causes of fluctuations such as the medieval warm period and the little ice age.

    This is completely different than the global warming fluctuations from this century. These are much larger than any others seen before. For this and many other reasons, it is known to be caused by human action.

  4. There are two main reasons-

    1) Every 100,000 years or so, the earth's poles tilt, throwing the climate off balance. With the climate changed the little ice age could have resulted.

    2) Volcanic activity blocking the sun

  5. Thought they already linked that to a volcano.

  6. If you are talking about the Little Ice Age that started at the end of the Middle Age, no one really know. Probably a cyclic yet not understood phenomenon.

    Allow me an analogy: the tide rises and fall every 6 hours. Twice a month, the tide is greater and called spring tide. That is the combination of the gravity pull of both sun and moon.

    But there are other tidal cycles. One of them happen only every 4.5 years. We know that today but we didn't one hundred years ago.

    Perhaps in the future we will understand better the climatic cycles the earth is experiencing.

    But, contrary to the two other answered, I don't believe the Little Ice Age had anything to do with a volcanic eruption. For one good reason; the LIA lasted for several centuries. Ashes in the atmosphere wouldn't last that long.

    But, from the time when the Vikings called Greenland such because it was, indeed, green; to the time hungry wolves in the snow were at the gates of Paris, yes there has been a Little Ice Age. When it really stopped is not clear, though.

  7. Increased volcanic activity and a period of solar minimums.

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