
What do you think could have happened to the kittens?

by  |  earlier

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our cat had her kittens this afternoon. They were all still Born's and we so so tiny. She had three at home and then took her to the vet and had two more. The vet said they just stopped growing in her. Mumma is doing great, she is very healthy but is just so sad. keeps wondering around the house trying to find them. Its heart breaking. I have two young kids and they had been ruff with you think they could have done this to her?




  1. No i dont think so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  2. hi there i am so sorry to here that i cried when i read your story. I am a big cat lover. well i have to kids to and my 2 yr old is really ruff with our cats to, my cat char-lee she had a miscarriage because my son kicked her in the tummy and she lost her 4 kittens it was horrible. so most likely you children may have been to ruff with her, but there kids they don't understand. if she falls pregnant again make sure she is kept in a safe place to ensure a safe delivery of her kitten. she will fret for them for some weeks, but she will deal with the lose, in my experience when cats lose there baby's they . this may sound terrible but they eat there still Born's this helps them to heal and then they no that they are gone all my cat do this when they have lost kittens. i hope i have helped i hope i haven't grossed you out.

  3. if your children are rough with animals then they should not be allowed to be anywhere near them and god help the kittens if the mother had a bad time.The mother is obviously distressed because she has lost here babies,your are a mother so you should understand how she feels.Children do not understand the ways of animals and how easily they can be hurt.Speak to your vet and see if she could possibly be a surrogate  mother to some other kitten/s,but please please watch the children.

  4. If she was a young imature cat then it is possible for this to happen. On the other hand she could have caught a virus.

    Knowing she was pregnant she should have not been handled too much, especialy by young children.

    Im guessing you have her speyed now, she will soon settle and forget once the hormonal change sets in.

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