
What do you think criminals are thinking before they are executed?

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How do you think the criminals feel before they get executed?What do you think goes through their minds?




  1. I sure wish I hadn't got caught!

  2. this is once in a life oportunity and i won't wasted it

  3. Maybe I shouldn't have killed those people.

    Or, I sure hope there isn't a h**l.  

  4. why me, I am such a nice guy.

  5. This will certainly teach me a lesson!

  6. You question reminds me of the very reason why I believe the death penalty is wrong.  There is substantial and overwhelming evidence that many people, all over the world, were wrongly convicted and executed for a crime they did not commit.  I have always wondered in the moments before execution what an innocent person is thinking.

  7. I think they feel scared, approaching death has to be a hard circumstance to accept.  I think many of them wish they would have never been caught for their crime, I believe true remorse for their crime doesn't really exist in many of the cases.  

  8. I read that the last words of one, after the state governor turned down his last minute appeal, were "tell the governor he just lost my vote".

  9. 1) Is there any way to stop this?

    2) Hope this doesn't hurt.

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