
What do you think defines a family who is truely stuggling to make ends meet?

by Guest10698  |  earlier

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I was watching Good Morning America yesterday and noticed something. They were showing a family that had to pay for there daughters ADHD treatments. They try to portray this family as struggling. I mean by the looks of it they did look pretty well off. Nice house, nice appliances (noticed that big double wide fridge), the girls had pink carpeting in there room, and they all looked dressed pretty nice. In my opinion that's not struggling. Do you think the people who are truly struggling will get the help they need with the new president Whether it be Obama or McCain?




  1. Joe Biden, he claims his net worth is only 150K.

  2. If you are making a life choice at the gas pump between eating and filling up to go to work, then you are struggling.

  3. That means the parents work hard, don't pee the money away on drugs or booze, do what they can for the kids. Plus....its still a family thats together. Bless em.

  4. I don't think a President cares about the average citizen unless it has anything to do with politics. As for being well off, what you see is not necessarily what is real. A family may be able to afford one thing, but not another. Struggles come from working hard for what you have and still trying to do better.

  5. That is just the typical media--they try to put a spin on things to support a certain agenda.  There was an article in my local paper about how back to school costs are around $6000 in our area.  The example that they gave was a family "struggling" to pay $2500 per child (they had 2 children) for a band trip to Hawaii.  What a messed up world that they can be considered "struggling" because $5K for a school trip is a bit of a stretch for them.  If it were my kids, I wouldn't let them go just on principle alone.  I don't think either candidate can help a lot of people who are truly struggling, because a lot of them are in a trap of their own making from living beyond their means.  Credit card debt, houses they can't afford, massive student loans to go to the fancy school all cause many in our country to struggle.  People in these types of situations--of their own making--will not meet income requirements for other assistance.  Unfortunately, federal assistance does not look at such things when handing out checks.

    I'm very sorry about your family.  Perhaps a church or non profit organization in your area could provide some free financial counseling to your family to help get things in order.  Historically, groups not associated with the government have a higher success rate of helping people in need, largely because allocated funds don't have to pass through a chain of bureaucrats' pockets.

  6. Good Morning was trying to say that we should vote for obama because he would give the little girl the speed she needs free.  

    Doesnt the first amendment guarantee the right to free speed?

    Man when you cant afford your house or car thats struggling for sure.  So many americans have respectable jobs but even so its getting harder to make it, while politicians just keep spending our money.  

  7. In my opinion, yes Obama will do his best to ensure that things are made a bit easier for those who are struggling. Like single moms and families with both parents however living just above or below the poverty line. The family you described is probably not living at or below any poverty line.  

  8. No.... struggling to make ends meat is worrying you won't be able to get bread or cereal for your family... (this is struggling, not poor, so don't say i think only people who can't afford food are poor.

    Didn't watch it though so i wouldn't know.  

  9. That was a pure media spin! lol

  10. they don't need any help! i hate that! When this nice suberbian families, with the perfect family, big house. It just pisses me off. They arn't struggling. A struggling family is one without money, can barely afford a house, doing all they can to save money, parents who fight. THAT is a struggling family.  

  11. No. Because too many freeloaders who dont need it are milking the system

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