
What do you think from conservative radio host Mike Gallagher who proposes extra security lines for Muslims?

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.... This means that when they board a flight departing from the USA, they go to an extra line where they get "more intense" security checks..




  1. I have not heard Gallagher, but if you consider the history of Muslims and air travel, it is a valid idea. However, the U.S. Supreme Court, which does not read history, will not allow profiling of any type, so it cannot be done.



  2. That doesnt add up. How many times have American aircraft been hijacked by anybody, not just arabs? You can count them on your hands. Is this worth the billions we spend on security that doesnt even really work? I dont see why we would racial profile when its results are pretty much nothing but pissing people off.

  3. Beware entertainers masquerading as journalists.  

    You think terrorists don't know that you think all terrorists look the same?  The next terrorists will not be the ones you would point to.

    Luckily those in charge of security are a little bit smarter than you and the radio hosts.  Do you really think that all security measures are publicly known?

  4. Go for it, I was going to Iran I would expect the same. Sorry their religion has a bad reptation that is deserved, but deal with it.

  5. Who is next jews as terrorist target them they may of had explosives slipped in there bags do we target them with more security searches how about ultra conservatives who hate the government like mr Gallagher he might be the next McViegh.

  6. I can understand the argument for racial profiling, but that's way over the top.  Talk about taking the Constitution and wiping your *#$ with it.  If you wanted to do something like that, you'd have to make it a non-US citizen type of thing, where all non-US passport holders would have to go through extra security when boarding a flight in the United States.  That I could agree with a bit more.

  7. That policy would make flights safer for them and everyone else, too.

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