
What do you think happen when the large hadron collider os switched on. ?

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What do you think happen when the large hadron collider os switched on. ?




  1. My guess nothing interesting will happen.

    I don't think they'll find the Higgs.

  2. Nothing dude. No crazy particles or black holes. Sorry. Just good science. They have buildings filled with the world's greatest minds toiling away at this. They wouldn't mess up =D

  3. The scientists say that the chances of creating a black hole are statistically "improbable."  From what I've seen, they only have a handful of scientists working on this though.  I trust science, but I'm not sure if I trust ten SCIENTISTS with the fate of the planet.

  4. As I understand it, the particles created will still be less energetic than some cosmic rays that hit the earth without much happening

    If there is intelligent life out there, their failure to contact us shows they are very intelligent!!

  5. If we're still here after it - please ask again.

  6. Billions of our taxes will be burnt up in seconds, and more, still later on...

  7. Actually there is a pretty cool argument revolving around this. This has to do with the question following:

    "If there are other forms of intelligent technologically advanced alien life why haven't they travelled to us yet?"

    And the reason for this could be answered by the new hadron collider. Think of technoogical advancement, eventually a society will begin to play with technology that is capable of wiping out its entire species. Take nuclear warfare for one, now hopefully mankind has made it past this hurdle and we won't wipe ourselves out this way. But say the key to understanding interstellar space travel lies with the research to be found in the new collider. And say for example that this new science or technology discovery is much more powerful than we anticipate, take the back hole issue for example. Now it is possible that any intelligent species in their quest for technoogy could stumble upon this and wipe themselve out. This could be the reason we do not see any alien intelligent life.

    As for what I think will happen when they start the collider up for good. A whole lot of waiting for a couple of particles to smack into eachother. Some scattering on particle detectors and maybe some insight into more fundamental aspects of the universe.

    Just hope they got their math right, and more importantly that the basis for the math is right. When dealing with physics on the order of the Planck length and this small scale as well I will bravely say that we really have no idea of what goes on. It is unknown territory and we should be wary. Conquering the atom resulted in the deaths of thousands of people, hopefully conquering the quark will not do the same.

  8. Nothing we will notice.

    Hopefully they will eventually find the graviton and form a unified theory of everything.

  9. nothing much

  10. It'll be cool. Is this Pappenbrook from

  11. It's already on and they've sent a test beam through as a warm-up.

    If your worried about the speculation by people who aren't scientists that it will end the world? Don' be. There's no reason for any disaster. Just for basic human reasons, scientists aren't suicidal and they too have families. They are probably more risk averse than the rest of us lol

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