
What do you think happened to 3 year old Caylee Anthony?

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just curious to see if anyone has any theories. i feel so sorry for that little girl and hope she returns home safe!




  1. mom killed her or something you just odnt wait that long  

  2. casey felt guilty for giving birth to her brother lee's love child and she snapped and killed her. the family obviously knew that lee was the father and they are desperate to cover the incestuous relationship up and protect casey.

  3. I think her mother accidentally killed her while drunk or high, grandma knows and she is covering for her daughter.

  4. I think she died, either on purpose as she was keeping her mom from party time, or accidentally (drowning in the pool or being kept in a car too long while mom partied), and her mom was too ignorant to call 911. I think she tried calling her parents, then when she couldn't get hold of her parents, (according to cell phone records, she tried repeatedly on the day the police think Caylee may have died, but they didn't answer), she disposed of the little body.  I'm guessing an alligator infested lake or pond, so no remains would exist.  She then partied away with no more thoughts or concerns about Caylee, which is obvious since those party pics are all over the net.  She was staying with her boyfriend, didn't mention Caylee at all.

  5. I hope she's found safely, too.

    Now her grandfather says he "knows" she was kidnapped, but I think both he and his wife are in denial. I suspect Caylee's death was an accident or a result of negligence and the mother got scared. But I'm almost positive the mother was involved; I can't imagine why else she would not report her daughter missing for over a month and then lie to investigators!

    I've been following the news at Here is a link to their US News section:

  6. I think her "mother" killed her.

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