
What do you think happened to Caylee Anthony?

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Do you think she is alive, dead, kidnapped, etc?




  1. I agree with the lady "momma _of_3" I think Casey left her in the car in the heat maybe by accident who knows, maybe Casey was high or drunk or visting a boyfriend and didnt want Caylee to bother her, she seems like the type of mother to me that thinks of her child as a burden, that is why the grandparents took care of her mostly. My question is one: if the grandma always babysat Caylee why is there another babysitter in the picture" and 2 why doesn't anyone know who this babysitter is? Because for one I have 2 small kids of my own and I tell my parents mostly everything involved in their life such as if we found a new sitter or not and what her name is just in case they need it for some reason or another. I think Casey is lying and the truth will come out sooner or later but I dont have a doubt in my mind that the baby is still alive god rest her soul if i am right i feel bad for her and the people who loved her. But I think the g-ma is selfish too b/c what g-ma do you know tells her daughter that she will give her a month to find caylee what are you insane who does that??? The minute I would of told my mom she was gone she would have called 9-11 with out a doubt i dont care if my mom believed me or not, she loves her grandkids and would try to find them right away. And if she was close with her parents why for one month were the grandparents looking for her and caylee? its all very STRANGE and doesnt sound right at all

  2. its VERY hard to believe she is alive from those TWO dogs smelling a dead body and her mother acting the ways he is but i do believe she is alive i just have a feeling <333 i hope im right.

  3. Can't be Mom.  Casey is a flat-out sociopath.  If it was Mom, she'd be telling anybody who'd listen.  Remember that panicked 911 call -- that's the only time we've heard her in a way that sounded believable.  Pretty much everything she's said since then has sounded nutty.

  4. I do think the mom (Casey) had something to do with it. I don't think she intentionally murdered Caylee, but I do think that Caylee is most likely dead. This is my theory of what may have happened. Casey's father, George, said that he last saw Caylee leaving the home with Casey on June 16 at around 12:50 pm. Then investigators say that on that same day, June 16, there was a "flurry" of calls made by Casey from her cell phone beginning at 3:03 pm, all the calls are really no more than a minute long indicating that she maybe got no answer on any of the calls. She called her mom's work, then mom's cell, then home, the dad's cell, then home, then mom's cell and on and on. Here's what I think happened, when Casey and Caylee left the house that day, Casey went somewhere (they still don't know where). I think she either knowingly or accidentally left Caylee in the car because she probably had no babysitter to watch the child. Casey finished up doing whatever it was that she was doing, came out to the car to find Caylee dead from the heat, she panics and makes all those calls to mom and dad. Then, getting no answer on those calls and fearing that she will be arrested for her child's death, puts Caylee's body in the trunk and it's in there about a day or two until the date that she borrowed the shovel from the neighbor, which she uses to bury her daughter. Then she goes into hiding  from her parents to avoid answering questions as to Caylee's whereabouts. Avoiding them for awhile gave Casey time to think up a story, specifically the story about the "babysitter", Zenaida Gonzalez. I think Casey is an irresponsible and very self-centered person and probably has been for most of her life. She constantly "screws up" and her parents probably always bail her out and she never learns from her own mistakes. This is why I think she tried to call her parents frantically that afternoon of June 16th, because she accidentally killed Caylee and thought Mom and Dad would tell her what to do yet again. Not getting an answer to her calls and panicking, not wanting to get into trouble because she never does take responsiblity for her actions, she just hides the body thinking that she will get away with it. She is really so child-like in the way she speaks and even the way she lies. It's just one lie, to cover another lie, to cover another lie and now it has spiraled out of control. I don't think she ever really grew up because mom and dad always did everything for her and bailed her out of every bad situation she gets herself into. Casey will lie till the day she dies, even if they prove 100% that she hurt her child, she will still lie. She is a self-centered, spoiled little brat, who cares for no one but herself and that is the monster that her parents have created. They thought they were protecting her all her life, but they really should have let her fall a couple times so that she could learn that her actions have consquences and that she needs to be responsible, not always expect mom and dad to bail her out. There are a lot of kids raised that way that grow into adults like Casey Anthony, this is nothing new. I know that the truth will come out and Casey will be behind bars for good. If she hasn't fooled the general public, she certainly is not fooling investigators either. The truth will come out. God bless you, Caylee, where ever you are.  

  5. It seems like her mom did it but shes so calm and cold that its hard to believe she has no remorse if she did hurt her. I hope she is okay , but it doesnt seem like it..:(

  6. I pray that she is alive. I have this silly hope that maybe there was an illegal alien babysitter that would explain why they can't find any proof of her. I know it's a long shot but I really wish that would be the case. I however think that Casey is acting very fishy! If my little girl was kidnapped I would be frantic, I would lose my mind! She just doesn't appear to me to be a grieving mom. If she had information why wouldn't she share it. I don't think that casey is completely innocent, I really hope I'm wrong! This case is enough to make your head spin! The story just doesn't add up! This is weird, I had a dream on saturday which was Caylee's birthday that she just showed back up at the grandparents house. It was so real that I had to run and check the news to see if I had overheard it while I was sleeping(I sleep with the T.V. on). Either way the outcome seems pretty dim, I hope she will return alive but I just don't think that's the case!  

  7. All of these theories are logical but I just don't know. I would like to think that with the little girl almost being three that she could have opened the car door if she was left in the car, although I dont know if she could do that or not.

    I definitely think casey had something to do with it because she has been nothing but a book of lies since the beginning of this!

    PARTYING AT A HOT BODY CONTEST WHILE YOUR DAUGHTER IS MISSING! a concerned mother would be sitting by the phone.


    i dont even have time to do that when i know exactly where my daughter is!

    Something is up with Casey. And the grandparents. I believe they all know what happened but are trying to save face.

    Rediculous. Bad parenting has a trickle down effect.  

  8. I personally don't think her mom killed her but I do believe she had something to do with it. It might have been an accident such as her falling around the pool and than maybe her mom tried to hide. But it doesn't seem like she is smart enough for that. I do think that her boyfriend might be in it too. I can't decide if I really think she died. She is so pretty and I really hope not.

  9. I think Caylee died and distraught over the reality of losing Caylee and Casey, the grandparents are keeping up appearances that Caylee was kidnapped.

    The behavior of everyone involved is very odd and I am sorry for Caylee that these are the grownups who were supposed to nurture and protect her.

    Someone who lives in the Orlando area and knows someone who works on the police force told me it wasn't because Caylee was interfering with Casey's partying lifestyle. Casey could have basically left Caylee at her parents' house and partied about as much as she wanted to.

    It was because Casey used to be Daddy's Little Princess, the apple of her parents' eye much more so than Lee (who didn't care that much -- he was a pretty self-contained unit) and when Caylee came along that house became a virtual museum of Caylee's finger paintings and scribbled drawings and constant photos were taken of Caylee. Princess Casey was replaced and she didn't like it so she would take Caylee to friends' and babysitters instead of letting Cindy and George have her out of spite.

    That's where the renegade babysitter thing might have had a bit of credibility at first with Cindy. She knew Casey wasn't careful about whom she left Caylee with. Any loser who'd take her would do.

    I don't know. I think Caylee is deceased. I think there is a darker story about who Caylee's dad is. I think Casey is responsible for killing Caylee through negligence and has concocted these stories to try to cover it up. Why she hasn't cracked open like Susan Smith yet, I'm not sure.  

  10. i think her mom has something to do with it thats y shes making up all these lies but i just hope that lil angel is alive

  11. I think the mom had something to do with it.

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