
What do you think happened to little Caylee Anthony ?

by Guest33175  |  earlier

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Okay. I watched the news this morning and the mom was released on bail yesterday ( which is horrible that they let her out ) and what do you think happened to little Caylee. I think the mom has Guilty written all over her. I think she murdered her daughter. They even said that in June , she borrowed a shovel from a neighbour's and that she stole 2 containers of gasoline ( very suspicious to me ). And I hope they can charge her with murder with all the lies she has been telling and I hope she gets life in jail. Can'T she atleast say where she is so they can give Caylee a proper burial. What do you think happened to Caylee and do you think the mom will be charged with murder ?




  1. I think the child is dead. As for the mom being found guilty, you never know, it may not happen.  

  2. You are probably right . She has probably killed her or perhaps the child got hold of her mothers drugs and that killed her? I'm not too sure. Maybe she sold her? But either way, the mother knows what happened and where her daughter (dead or alive) is.

    Casey Antony will be found out. The TRUTH always outs.

  3. sadfully i think she is dead and i think her mother did it. i live very close to caylee anthony's house and they have posters EVERYWHERE, even on cars and it saddens me so much when i see her pictures because she is probably not alive.

  4. even though i wish it was not true, i think you are right. i think she killed her daughter and i hope she is punished harshly! in my opinion, harming children is the worst crime ever! i can only pray that i am wrong and that she is still aive. i hope that her case will not end up like madeline mccann's.

    i feel so sorry for caylee- if she is alive she must be so scared right now i hope her mother gets locked up for good for what she did

  5. The mom killed her.

    I doubt if she buried the body-at least not by herself. Have you ever tried to dig a large hole? Ive had to dig holes to bury dogs in and even that was a pain in the butt. I cant imagine her-some little 110 pound girl who probably has never had to lift anything heavier than her make-up case being able to dig a grave-even a small grave for a child. Thus i think she had help disposing of the body.  

  6. GUILTY? probably, i think while she has to stay with her parents they might get something out of her or she commits suicide

  7. You know that movie one of the Chronicles?  I dont remember the name but the father was taken away by a bunch little white things to keep him safe from goblins and ogre.  Maybe thats what happened to Caylee Anthony.  Maybe she knew too much so the little white thingys took her away to keep her safe.  At least she won't grow old.

  8. That girl is obviously stupid as h**l. She's not cooperating and she sounds like a stubborn child half the time!

    Ugh... The stupid bounty hunter who got her released. I CAN'T STAND HIM. His house is a few houses down from mine, it's so fracking annoying. He only does things for attention! It's obvious. He even admitted he's a media w***e, and when someone asks "are you doing this to get famous" he goes "oh, I'm already famous!"

    He doesn't have the child's interest at heart, he's only doing it for personal gain!

    He makes me sick.

    He's arrogant and he's obnoxious. I hate seeing him every time I walk out of my house. Gahhh.

    But anyway, there's really no way I would possibly know exactly where  the little girl is, I just know that obviously SOMETHING is extremely wrong here.

    I hope she is alive, and if not, I hope they find her and giver her a proper burial. And lock that btch up.

  9. I think her mother did it. So sad! Poor little Caylee.

  10. i think she is sad!

  11. SHe did it and will burn in h**l for it.....thye let her out but she is under house arrest.....she will confess one day.  Some people do not deserve kids.

  12. The funny thing is, why would she do it? My family and I believe the mother may have gotten into a bad spot (drugs, etc.) with some bad people. They may have killed Caylee and threatened to kill the mother if she said anything. The mother may have no idea where Caylee is.

    Now PLEASE! Do not think I am trying to defend the mother. She is obviously involved terribly, and deserves to be punished for whatever crime she did. I believe that if they can crack her, they can find the little girl or at least find out what happened to her. Personally, I don't believe they're going to find Caylee alive, sadly. It just doesn't work that way.

    Just something to think about, another angle on this whole mess.

  13. i think it was a mistake to let her out of jail come on now y would u never report you lil 2 yr old missing around a month i have a 3 yr old i would report her in a second....i think caylee's mom killed her she wanted to go out n party and live her like she never had a baby....she should of just gave her daugther to her parents or some couple that is waiting to adopt...she has guilty written all over her and i hope they find caylee and her mom stay in jail for da rest of her life if she killed her daugther

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