
What do you think happens to your soul after you die?

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What do you think happens to your soul after you die?




  1. What I think is that our soul is what will always belong to God. What we do in this life determines our souls destiny in the next.

  2. Don't say I;m crazy. I thnik that the world is made of spirit, or that everything has a spirit/soul. All of those spirits/souls are part of one big collective devine being and when you die, your soul joins to that one big entity. After hta I'm not sure if you go back and become soething else or if you just become a part of it and are no longer anything perperate and becaome lots of other things or if you just stay like that. I think you come back though.

  3. i think you go to heaven...or maybe there is a place for our souls that is just like earth, you know, we eat, sleep, walk around lol.. who knows....but i think we go to heaven, i really believe in reincarnation also though, so, who knows..maybe we never leave earth, we just roam around, just, no one can see us??

  4. I think the reincarnation thing makes sense, but I have no idea what really happens.

  5. I think you just float into space or something idk maybe become one with the earth. go to heaven to

  6. The soul is a made up human complexity that really does not exist.Therefore when you die it dies also!

  7. I think it goes to heaven...

    or it moves on to another livin being...

    maybe a dog,,, hehe  

  8. I think you should talk to a priest.

  9. It becomes your pilot

  10. The Ancient Indian texts tell you that that the soul can never be eroded by the forces of nature, it never dies, it never get blown away, it never gets wet or get burned and its shapeless as well.Its just there.

    While the body gets born and dies like everything else has to be, the soul is always there.

    The body is like cloths to the soul,Once the clothing gets old and unwearable the souls throws those cloths and goes into new cloths, similarly when we die, the soul goes into another living spices.

  11. I've always thought that you were reincarnated.

    Your soul leaves your body, then is re-deposited in another.

    I believe too that though you are not you anymore, you stay the same in a sense.

    However, I do not believe you change forms, such as into an animal, but I do think that your future life reflects on your behavior in past lives, but you always get a chance to turn that around.

  12. your soul dies too

  13. Honestly if you accept Jesus Christ as your lord and saviour you go to heaven. If you don't accept Jesus Christ when you die you go to h**l. it is as simple a that. No reincarnation, no second chance, no rebirth.

  14. I don't have one. Do you?

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