
What do you think he means by this?

by  |  earlier

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The guy I'm seeing (for about a year) and I went out for his b'day the other night with some of his friends. He got really drunk and blacked out, he's lost about 5 hours. I filled in the blanks, told him he was stumbling around his unit and yelling about rubbish. He doesn't remember. He was feeling pretty awful yesterday (sick & sore). I took some tea around to him because he hadn't eaten all day. I sent him a message today asking how he was feeling, and he replied "Very guilty and worried I keep f**king up my life and yours :-/ I don't want to get up today". He also has major depression, and every day is a battle, but what does he mean by this message? I keep telling him if I didn't want to stick around, I wouldn't.




  1. i can relate to you bcuz my bf has add and wen he dosent take his meds his scary side comes out. i think he feels bad cuz u had to help him the other night, hes feeling guilty. i wuld go over there and gettin him cleaned up and take him out and have a serious chat about wat ur feelin.

  2. give him a beer

  3. A lot of people with depression tend to fill guilty about things that they do after they do it. He probably fills bad for drinking that much. He is also probably worried that he is going to lose you cause he acted that way cause at the moment that he said that he really didn't like himself so he thinks why should she like me. See he fills guilty about getting that drunk and now he is worried that you think he is stupid or whatever and that he is messing up your life cause he has problems. It is so hard to explain, but when you are depressed you tend to think that you are bringing others down with you. I hope that i explained this so that you can understand what i mean.  

  4. Your boyfriend is very depressed and does not know how to solve his problems.  He gets drunk to "drown" himself in his sorrow.  What he meant was exactly what he said to you, that he really felt guilty and ashamed that he made a mess for both of you when he was drunk.  He has to get help to overcome his depression.  The sooner the better.

  5. be by his side and MAKE SURE HE DOESN'T KILL HIMSELF!!!!!!  

  6. he has deppression. you are doing all you can. you are being extremely supportive and generous. let him know that you are always there for him, no matter what. has he gone to the doctors for his deppression? if not, he may need to be prescribed some medicine.

  7. ask a pro -- quickly...not that i would REALLY know, but that sounds like a serious problem... not wanting to get up that day? depressed? drunkedness to the point of blacking out? unnecessary guilt?

    Id be really worried, personally

  8. He probably feels like he's at a place in his life that he can't get out of and is bringing you down with him.  Reassure him that this isn't true and that you'll stick with him, but kindly suggest that he go to therapy.  If he already has a shrink, tell him that he should talk about those feelings with him or her.  If you get really worried about him, you can also call his therapist and tell him or her your concerns.  Take care of yourself too.

  9. Find another boyfriend who doesnt drink or someone who drinks but knows his limit, someone who knows when to stop.  Why suffer , why make your life miserable.

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