
What do you think i should gift for my 13 year old daughter birthday i need the advice easy points?

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What do you think i should gift for my 13 year old daughter birthday i need the advice easy points?




  1. a nice piece of jewelry she can keep forever, money, gift cards, a shopping trip so she can pick out what she wants, something for her room like a new bed spread or piece of furniture, concert tickets, a wii, a new cellphone, i pod, digital camera, an expensive perfume, a weekend trip to somewhere near by, a day at the spa, laptop, some good make up, or a good jewelry box... these are just some ideas

  2. maybe a camera, ipod, or just take her shopping for a day.


  3. When I was 13 I was going through the, "Why can't I be like everyone else phase?" All I wanted was money for some new clothes. I guess it depends on your daughter what does she like? Art, Music, School, Fashion? Just go with an interest and go from there. It's almost impossible for me to think of what do get her since all of us GIRLS are so different.

  4. buy her lots and lots of clothes pretty soon she'll be in the "nothing fits me anymore" phase so buy her lots of clothes or give her about 100 or 200$ for new clothes its what every 13 year old girl wants

  5. A gift card for her favorite clothing store, an MP3 player, jewelry and hair accessories :)

  6. If you give her mon€y, you can't go wrong.

  7. A digital camera, money, a gift card and a cell phone! She would love you forever lol. Well until you two got in a yelling match in which you would have to take them all away.

  8. money for clothes, pedicure/manicure,

  9. Nintendo wii are very popular for this age as are Nintendo DS but teens also love cell phones and gift cards...

  10. Does she have an MP3 or Ipod?   If so, you could get her a gift card with free music downloads.  

    Does she have a cell phone?    Teenagers all think that they needs a cell phone.    You could buy her a cover for her cell phone if she already has one.

    Gift card to her favorite store or a mastercard gift card so that she can use it where ever she wants.

    Is there a concert she's wanting to see?    If so, take her.  

    At Bath & Body Works, they have some nicer shampoos and conditioners that younger girls really seem to like.   Buy the matching shower gel and lotions.   A new terry cloth bath robe and some slippers.   Maybe some perfume; some nail polish.     Anything so that she can "pamper" herself.

  11. i-pod, mobile, tv, nintendo wii or something like that, camera, laptop, webcam or something. I wanted money so I could buy what I wanted. Don't give her too much money as she will probally just go and splash out on whatever she see's, maybe even jewlerry

  12. Cd, Ipod, computer, clothes, makeup, jewelery, movies???

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