
What do you think if a restaurant had many spelling mistakes on it's menu?

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One local Indian Restaurant seems to have more errors than correct spelling including the address and phone number! The worst was for Large coke they had Large co*k. It got passed their spell check even if it didn't get past Yahoo




  1. I'd laugh.

    but then I'd mention the errors to the manager or someone in charge.

    I can understand how someone from India might have trouble with the language. That's understandable. Funny yes, but understandable!

    I'd still eat there if I were hungry and if they served good food. After all, It's food we eat, not spelling errors.

  2. My friend ordered windows from a company, which had a lot of mistakes in its contract. The quality of windows was not good too.

    For this restaurant: maybe it will not be the case, because Indian minority has it, rally Indian kitchen, not an imitation. On the other hand, that shows lower education in general, which may reflect on selection of products, e.g. healthy/not healthy ingredients.

  3. I would think that it wasn't a very good place to go.  If they can't take the time to check basic things like that, then what kind of feeling will they have towards their food?

  4. Could be deliberate to get you interested?

  5. Well, clever clogs, there are two spelling/grammatical errors in your own question.

    You use 'it's', when it needs to be 'its'.

    Second you write 'passed' when you should write 'passed by''s a passive form, and so needs an agent.

    And you have no idea what that means, do you? So, why are you taking the mickey out of foreigners who don't know your language, when you can't even write it properly yourself?

  6. just so they cook better than they spell, just don't order anything that they have to use a recipe for

  7. Eat more...

  8. English is not their mother tougue and they are too stinge to hire a qualified admini staff to do such kind of writing.  You know the Indians were money is concerned, they prefer cheap labour and dont get embarrassed by the poor quality work at the end of the day.

  9. lost in translation i guess but makes a gud holiday photo 4 a wife as her husband stands by it pointing and pretending 2 giggle behind his hand!

  10. I think I would eat there...if they cannot proof read their stuff, can you really expect them to prepare your food? (without messing up the order, under/overcooking the food, or being sanitary about their practices, etc.

  11. People coming from non-english speaking countries are adapting from whatever their native language is to english, the most difficult language on the planet both verbally and structurally. Their misspellings are english words spelled the way they sound not the way they are spelled with silent c's or e's or whatever.  Put yourself in their place and think how hard it would be. If the place appears to be clean, the staff courteous and the food good that's all that should matter.

  12. Well first of all what do you want, some shakespear should come and cook the food? When you are going to eat out look for the quality of food and not their English spellings.

    And I think they must be having very tasty food because they have not wasted time in puffs but focused on making good food.


  14. Have a giggle at the menu and choose the Indian down the road instead.

  15. Most Chinese restaurants have some spelling errors on them as well.  Probably is a cultural thing.  By the way, it's past their spell check, not passed their spell check.

  16. Because they don't speak the language well, and printers rarely proof anything anymore.  Ususally it indicates authentic ethnic cooking at least.

  17. I think I would eat somewhere else.  Even if they are new to the country and the language, if you have business you have to represent it a certain way. Those kind of mistakes are ok for yahoo or casual socializing but not if you have a business. If they cared about how the business appeared and attracting customers then they would have gotten someone who is fluent to proof read and make necessary corrections.

  18. Maybe that's not a typo...

  19. I'd guess it was homemade. Hopefully the same goes for their food.

  20. i've noticed a lot of places run by immigrants have a lot of spelling errors. but i just chalk it up to them not knowing the english language very well yet and let it go. if you're at an american restaurant that has a lot of spelling errors then i'd try their food once and not respect them much. and unless the food was amazing, i wouldn't go back and i'd tell everyone i know about how stupid they are.

  21. i would think the person running the resturant dropped out of high school

  22. It would make me concerned for what I am actually getting. . .

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