
What do you think if my first ever GCSE results are the really bad?

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I did 2 of my 15 GCSE's 2 years early and as a result i think i might of done not so well i had:

BIlogy A

Physics A

Chemistry C

Welsh D




  1. Not so well?! That's fantastic!

  2. if you got these in y11 it would be fine. but the fact you're acutally taking them early means that you should be certain or aiming for A*s. right? or else might as well take them later.....

  3. OMG those are great and you actually got entered in Welsh - something which i failed to do so well done from me. I'd be glad with those results.


  4. Are you kidding?

    Those are fantastic results :)

    Especially considering they're taken TWO years early :O

    Many people who take them in year 11 won't do as well

    I'm sure you'd be able to re-sit Welsh if you wanted to, maybe ask your subject teacher in September?

    If you need straight A's in science for whatever reason I'm sure you could re-sit chemistry or re-do the coursework if you wanted.

    But really, I think you should be pretty pleased.


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