
What do you think in life is overrated?

by  |  earlier

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I'll start by saying money and friends... friends meaning having a bunch of them is important.




  1. Looks.......who you are is way more important than what you look like.

    If you happen to look great, that's just bonus


  2. materialism,  for some odd reason people get satisfaction out of just going out with a subconcious need to spend money on something, and it doesnt have to be important it just has to be something, money is not over rated at all it allows us to forgoe the bartering system and need to have a double coincidence of wants/need,  so its not so much of moeny it self  its this materialism that we have ingrained into our heads, because everyone needs to beat the jones accross the street so we go out and buy something better,  sure it promotes buisness  but then sometimes it gets out of hand and leads to major debt

  3. I completely agree with spam_free_he_he up there.

    Read my mind.

    Looks are so overrated.

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