
What do you think is a considerable amount of alcohol intake every night?

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Do you think every night is Ok?





  1. Alcohol is a depressant, so bear this in mind, the more you drink, or drink to excess then the more depressed you become.

    I think everyone knows that one drink a night is okay, maybe two at weekends but anything more can become harmful.

    Some people can become alcoholics from just drinking one drink per night whilst others can drink many times and just have an alcohol problem. Everybody is different so all you can work on are the guidelines.

  2. "A four-ounce glass of wine is equivalent to one serving. Men will benefit from consuming one to two servings per day. Women should consume only one serving per day to reap the maximum benefits. This is not to say that you should start drinking alcohol if you presently do not. Occasional or binge drinkers have higher mortality rates than those who drink moderately on a regular basis. In those who consume three or more drinks per day, there is an increased risk for elevated serum triglycerides (fat in the bloodstream). Long-term, excessive alcohol consumption can damage nerve cells, the liver and the pancreas. Heavy drinkers are also at risk for malnutrition, as alcohol may substitute for more nutritious foods."

  3. I personally think that all things should be in moderation. For me, that means I hardly drink.

    Now a glass of wine everyday is one thing that shouldn't be for concern however if you are the kind of person to get wasted when you do drink then I would keep it to the weekends. Hard drinking is very stressful to the body and isn't good night after night.

    edit- thumb down because people don't want to be responsible. figures...

  4. Everything in moderation my friend. 2 units per night is more than enough - that's 2 small glasses of wine or 2 small beers.

  5. anything over 3 pints a night is too much,  i used to have a drink every night over the past 4 years, the pounds started creeping up and you don't notice. now i only drink at weekends, they say you should go at least 2 or 3 days a week with no alcohol to let your liver recover. you will notice within a few weeks how much better your skin is, and other things about your body for the better.  

  6. 1 glass of wine per day or one beer or one whatever (on average) seems reasonable.  Maybe have another drink or two at certain social events.

    However, if you are Italian, I wouldn't be surprised if you drank a liter of wine per day and finished dinner with a shot of grappa or limoncello.  It seems to almost be a requirement for being Italian to live off of alcohol.

  7. I don't think people should drink every night, but if you do I'd say 1 or 2 small glasses of wine would be acceptable, or 1 pint of beer.  

    At the weekends (or if you are going out during the week), then probably 1 bottle of wine would be enough (or 4-5 beers).  But no more than twice a week in my opinion.

    Anything over this is considerable in my view.  Sorry, i dont really drink spirits, so I'm not sure about that, but probably one spirit with mixer would be about the same as one beer.

  8. If you drink every night an excessive amount (more than one glass of wine, one shot or pint of beer) you will eventually start to develop an alcohol related disease. If you smoke as well then your healthy will be even further damaged. It may take a few years but it will get you in the end. It does even have to be a physical disease as it can affect you mentally too after long term exposure. Having said that I still drink but wish I could stop.  

  9. More then one glass of wine.

    Ive read in the past the benefits of drinking a glass of wine a day, but honestly i wouldnt suggest it, if you were to drink alcohol everyday (which really isnt that great for you) try to keep it no more then 6oz a night.

    Me personally i only drink on special occasions


    on a side note, I wouldnt make a habbit of drinking, most people tend to get addicted to it weather or not they admit it. Especially beer. Everything in moderation should be taken into account.

    An example they told us in gym class (and i know this sounds weird) eating a whole bag of cookies isnt gonna hurt you if you do its once or twice in a year but once a day will. Get it?

    Ive seen too many people die of liver problems directly caused by drinking then anything else. I know thats taking it a bit far but you wouldn't want to experience that.


    oh and as far as hard liquor is concerned (like whiskey, vodka, rum, etc) I would say once a week is more then enough!

  10. Don't drink every night, your body needs to rest.

    If you go for a drink 2-3 times a week keep to about 6-8 units of alcohol max each time.

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