
What do you think is a reasonable price for a gallon of gas, considering todays cost of living?

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What do you think is a reasonable price for a gallon of gas, considering todays cost of living?




  1. $8 / gallon

  2. it about 1970 i made 7000 per year,,a good house was 25K...a new car 3000 a house 250,000,,a car 20,000 and my pay   45K.

  3. Honestly, I think that $2.00 a gallon is reasonable for todays cost of living. Here in north Alabama its $3.64 a gallon...for the cheap stuff & showing no signs of getting better. America is in trouble, ya'll.

  4. About $1.50 per gallon

    What we need to do is setup a food cartel like OPEC.  A barrel of oil for a bushel of grain.

    If they don't like it, they can eat their oil and we'll use the grain for fuel.

  5. When I consider the "cost of living" I'm thinking perhaps much broader than simply my expenses.

    For a little more context check out this NYT "Freakonomics" blog on the true cost of driving on society/the planet:

    "Not so free ride"

    So I would say roughly... oh $3,000 per gallon would do nicely!

  6. $2.00 a gallon is a reasonable price.  $2.50 tops.  Gas is getting way too pricey.  It's up to $3.43 where I live.  From half a tank to full is costing me $64; it's ridiculous.  If gas keeps going up, it won't be long til a man will have to choose between going to the grocery store or the gas station every week.

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