
What do you think is an appropriate punishment for convicted pedophiles?

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I am a paralegal and I have been asked this many times. I believe that pedophiles are not rehabilitated and should not be returned to the community.I believe that an isolated prison (like Alcatraz) would be the answer. Please only reasonable answers.




  1. 20 years for each offence with no time out for good behavior have to carry a card a check in with the police not be allowed within in a certain distance of a school or park not being able to live in a neighborhood where kids are and if a family with kids are going to move into his neighborhood they should be informed


  2. Well, first I should let you know that there is nothing illegal about being a pedophile.  So, legally, there is no grounds to 'punish' them for anything.  Now, if you are talking about people that have actually done something to harm a child, then just put them in the regular prison population and let everyone know they are a s*x offender......they're not popular in prison

  3. I can not in myself agree with death penalty, nor life imprisonment for s*x offenders. Just like anyone, s*x offenders have a desire haunting them which eventually breaks their will to resist, and drives them to act out.

    Imagine if adultry was enough to put you on a s*x offender list along with the pedophiles, and rapists. It seems quite the same to me, it's merely the acting out of our desires rather than the restraint of it, or finding a more appropriate outlet.

    I do believe that we can help s*x offenders, reform them, and give them opportunity to be valuable to society.

    s*x offenders should be placed in couples with prostitutes until their desires are diminished.

  4. So many ways to answer this question:

    Criminals in question should seek out God for forgiveness and the rest of us should arrange the meeting.

    With that said less drastic measures could be the removal of all body parts that have harmed another human being in any sexual or violent crime. Hands, Feet, p***s ... etc. should be cut off. The level of crime might drop if laws were so strict as to strike fear into those who have at least 3 eyewitness accounts of the crime or multiple situations of DNA evidence against them.

    The human zoo we live in is growing and so will the number of criminals that are not fit to live in a society such as ours. Cities will become sesspools for darkness and only swift justice may give us a breath of fresh air as we walk in the daylight.

  5. That would involve a Vise, a dry 8' X 8' building, a Dull Knife, and a gallon of gasoline.  Think about it.

  6. Castration..and/or total isolation.

  7. depends on the nature of the crime.

    for something small they should be bought back into society under a strict rehabiliation scheme

    i.e  notifying local authoritys and telling the paedo to keep away from schools, playareas etc.. and placed on the s*x offenders register for life and always be monitored.

    for a serious crime it should a be life imprisonment in high catergory jail.

  8. The problem with convicted felons is they have more civil rights than law abiding citizens.  I haven't heard of a felon yet who has been rehabilitated.  Parole should be eliminated and there should be mandatory sentencing for certain violent felonies and crimes against children are at the top of the list.  They don't need an isolated prison. They should be in general population where they can get some torture and understand the damage they have done to children.  

    Top sentence, general population, no parole. Tuff!

  9. Pedophiles and other sexual offenders have the highest rate of return offenses of any other criminal type.  I personally believe violent s*x offenders and pedophiles should be put to death.

  10. Death...You might think this to be un-reasonable but I think they should have the Death Penalty.  

  11. Prison time, and intense therapy, and a big fine

  12. Death

  13. I have always hated the whole idea of prison because it's not fair that I have to feed, clothe, and house someone.  I am aware that there are in work prison programs but I don't see that revenue.  Basically, the state takes my taxes to pay for the prison system then uses revenue from prisoners rather than returning it to me.  We are in the electronic monitoring age.  Put these people to work doing all the crappy jobs everyone else hates.  Well, anyway as far as just punishment, if you give a convicted pedophile life in prison then all convicted murderers should be executed.  Sorry to say that but killing someone is not the same crime as sexually assaulting them.  I'm not saying that a convicted pedophile should not get life.  All I am saying is that  murder is a far worse crime that gets the same punishment.  Then again, not all people commit the same crime for the same reason.  Is it OK to put someone in jail for stealing bread to feed their starving kids? Is it OK to give the same punishment to someone for stealing bread because they just wanted it?  It's the same crime right?  We tend to have more sympathy for the starving kids story than the just wante the bread story.   On that note, is it ok to give life to someone that was sexually abused as a child then becomes a pedophile as a result?

  14. Depends on the case. Do you give 20 years to an 18 y.o. who gets a one-time BJ from a 15 y.o. ?

  15. A scarlet letter tattooed on their forehead and put them in with the general population.  

  16. Life in the general population of a maximum security prison, inmates don't like pedophiles either, let their lives be a living h**l everyday for as long as they live.

  17. Off with their heads, you can choose which one.

  18. I believe an isolated prison would be the answer, along with intense therapy.  They should not be allowed back into society, however.

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