
What do you think is an ideal number of children to have?

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What do you think is an ideal number of children to have?




  1. one or two

  2. If you're in good health, have a happy relation with your spouse, have financial independance, and are willing to raise your kids to be moral, outstanding examples of should have as many as you can.  My colleague is one of 17 kids (obviously some were twins) and not one of them turned out to be a scumbag.  I happen to know the parents are very happy to have family come and visit all the time...there's always someone coming randomly.  

  3. 2. 1 boy. 1 girl. though i know it cant be planned this way. never an odd number such as 3. someone always left out.  

  4. couple I think thats morethan enought ..

  5. two or three

  6. Unless you all ready are pregnant (because abortion is murder of an innocent).  You have to base your own answer to this question on factors like:

    a)  Situation you are in (relationship, finance etc)

    b)  Ability to cope within yourself

    c)  Age (best not to have children too young or older so that the child grieves before they are an adult)

  7. I'm happy with one. My parents raised four. I think three is enough, but for now I'm happy with my little girl.

  8. 2.

  9. 0!

  10. As many as you can manage, financially and emotionally.

  11. I have one and want 2 more so 3

  12. Three.

  13. Well I'm one of 5 and my Mum was one of 16 so I quite like big families.  I would say 4 or 5 is ideal. I doubt I will be able to afford that many though!

  14. 2 /3

  15. As many as you can Emotionally and Financially afford!  I had 4 but would have liked to have 6-7.  Ex left for secretary so I couldn't exactly have more by myself.  New husband has two but pays so much child support  we decided he couldn't Financially support more while his ex was raking him over the coals (I hate when women "use" their children as money makers!).  So it is 4 for me and now I have one grandbaby at 39!  Love kids and wish adults could be more like them.  They still hold doors open and say please and thank you.  They appreciate the little things and get extremely excited over the big stuff.  The innocence of children and their wonderment is priceless in my book.  Having kids is the easy part.  Raising respectful loving children is the real key to happiness.

  16. I have one, a 21 month old named Carson. And I'm pregnant with twin girls. I would love to have possibly 1-2 more after this. But when I get a little older. I had Carson and got pregnant WAY too fast. So I would 4-5 is a good number. :D

    With Love,


  17. The amount you can afford to bring up without relying on the state

  18. I was one of four and had a great childhood. That's why I am pregnant with number four myself now.

  19. For me >7

    It really depends on the individual :)

  20. four, i have three at the moment for is a nice round number where three is odd & one child will always feel left out.

  21. i would say 1 or 2 but it is up to you personally  

  22. If you have the time and the money to afford them, then as many as you can handle.  I personally want 2, but I think 3 would be ideal.

  23. As many as you can afford, or cope with.

    The 3rd world could do with curbing their enthusiasm, raising those they have more responsibly.

  24. One or to is the best. But, before you get the perfect idea of what you have asked, you must ask yourself what is your finincial position. if You think you can grow up your children to make them best of the best then two is the ideal number, otherwise one. Good luck.

  25. for each set of parents its different - I personally think an even number - I have 4 but from two marriages. You have to take into consideration other factors as to whether you can financially afford the children and accomodation  

  26. I believe that is a personal matter.  However, I also believe that it is best to have the amount of children you can take care.  I mean, with the price of life, can you afford 12?  Probably not, but if you can take care of all their needs, shelter, food, clothing, love, education, love, physical, social, psychological, emotional needs, then have lots.

    There are far too many people who have more kids than they can adequately take care, and I don't mean they don't love them.  I do not want to hear anyone yell at me because I have made a judgement call about their choices!  I am just answering the question.  I believe that is what we do here!  By the way, I have 5, and after my divorce, and becoming a single parent, working 16 hours a day, and having breast cancer on top of all that, I think I did a pretty good job.  I do not have any kids in jail, no one is a drug addict, no one is a burden on the society, and all of them are hardworking, honest, patriotic, wonderful people!  But it was not easy.  So as I said above, I believe that it is an individual matter.

  27. For me it is a nice round zero!

  28. I only have 1 but always wanted 4, it depends on how much time and money you have, it's no good having too many if you cant devote the same amount of time between them all. But I also think it's nice to have one of each. The main reason I would like more now is so that my child would have a sibling for when I'm gone.  

  29. I would like 2 have a big family with 3 or 4 kids but as long as they are healthy i guess it doesn't really matter!

  30. i can only say what was ideal for me, and that was two. i don't think the world is such a nice place to bring kids into today.

  31. Three ( one of each! )

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