
What do you think is at the root of the idea that women who want equal rights are out to "destroy" men?

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What do you think is at the root of the idea that women who want equal rights are out to "destroy" men?




  1. Male fear of women laughing at them, being more accomplished than they are, possibly being able to run the world better.....scares 'em.

  2. There isn't anything, those people you refer to think you are as bigoted as you think they are.

  3. Read these links carefully, and with a mind open to accept the truth:

    Now tell me what you think about feminists.

    Don't get me wrong. If you pick up a dictionary, you will find that I'm very much a feminist. But if you look at the real world, I'm anti-feminist. Somewhere along the way, the good liberating feminist juggernaut with a lot of acceptance was hijacked by misandrists. Now it's just a juggernaut, which does nothing good for men or women.

  4. Women don't want equal rights, they want special privilleges.

  5. Well, 99% of women who want equal rights don't want to destroy men. But believe me, I have known a few batty broads in that 1% who do want to destroy men. I mean they want to annihilate men. I mean, they really want to give it to em in the butt. I mean, they really wanna whip em with whips. I mean, they really want to stomp on their weiners with big black boots. I mean they wanna wear leather and lock em up in cages and pee on em. I mean...  

  6. The root is in the emotional  insecurity and fear of loss of control in weak men.

    This often causes (as any pathological insecurity) compensatory behaviours such as aggression, arrogance and bullying, as we often see in this area of the forum.

    So many of us (men: I am one)  should grow out of intellectual puberty....

  7. You are at the root of the idea because you just made that up.

  8. My sense of things is that, at least in part, many men have the feeling that rights are like THINGS.

    If women get rights, that means the men must lose rights (like gold, or some other physical thing). Silly, but there it is. I see this idea expressed, or more often, presupposed in posts here.

    Then there are the men who just want to be waited on and aren't willing to hire servants to do the job.

    Of course, there's the .001% of loonies who actually SAY they are out to destroy men. The women-haters leap on those quotes as "proof" that believing that women are human beings means wanting to destroy men.

    REAL men ARE feminists!

  9. Well, if you are talking about a Women's Liberation organization, then the proof is in the pudding. I might be that most feminists don't have a problem with men (i hope this is true), however most of what you hear from those organizations are diatribes on how men aren't good, needed, human...etc. Now this might be because often times the most radical members of an organization are also the loudest. I hope this is the case, because hating half the population due to one chromosome is asinine and does nothing but make you and the cause you are fighting for look bad. Men and women each have their own +'s and -'s, but in the end we complete each other.  

  10. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

    Some men might afraid that some women might be evil if given the opportunity.

  11. It's the twisted perception of ***What Is Equal ??** and the *** At Any Cost !*** attitude.

  12. Its shaking up the status quo. Makes people uneasy and they latch on to a negative out of proportion idea that makes it easier to argue against it. If you were to explain that there are feminists who just want things to be more equal and are mothers to sons and wives to husbands and love the men in their life (but hate the men who create stupid problems and want to oppress women) then that becomes a little harder to argue against. And then the unseen benefits they once had are no longer there. No more higher salaries or automatic authority. And losing benefits sucks even when it is fair and right. So instead of fighting against losing benefits because they were given unfairly its easier to believe in that kind of c**p.

    Just to respond to some of those quotes taken out of context because I dont have time all day to point out whats wrong with that entire response:

    "A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle." -- Gloria Steinem

    If you dont get that this isnt about destroying men but eliminating the dependency upon men then you might be alarmed to know she ended up getting married. She wanted women to understand that financial security, personal fulfillment, growth of intellect, or wielding power didnt come solely from having a man around. Didnt mean she hated men.  

  13. Perhaps the anti-male statements and laws that flow from the feminist movement like pus from a boil? Check out Section 2 here


    "REAL men ARE feminists!"

    LOL!  Utter BS.

  14. Partly male discomfort in change, partly to blame on radical feminists.

  15. Most don't.

    But few had gone far enough with is human's nature to hate tho.

    A good example of how we know about this, is Harriet Harman.

    Search for Harriet Harman's great idea to promote a new law in England that will discriminate white men to promote equality.

    Equality will be reached by discriminating :3

  16. In the US people despise losers and to some people if women "gain" rights, these people think men are "losing" rights and using their logic, they fear that men will be "destroyed". Sounds a bit dramatic to me.    

  17. Do you want to know why. Listen to all of the womens answers: Because of frail ego, paranoid, all of them are horrible hateful words pinning it all on some distorted view of the male psyche. So much of what the women are saying is so far off. I am a man and all of this is bull. I never even think about this stuff.

    Women just be yourselves and quit trying to act like men because as much as you try it just tingles the spine and because women don't think like men if you are getting some kind of inkling that men are puzzled by your actions in trying to gain a footing with the boys it is because you are not acting like one of the boys no matter how hard you try and it is confusing.

    We are all equal but different. Can't we all just be friends

  18. Possibly the fact that what feminists claim they want is not reflected in many of their recent "accomplishments."

    I see lies and hypocrisy in feminism. It is about improving the lives of women, pure and simple. The claims of equality are just to grab the moral high ground and better pressure politicians.

  19. The reason i question your motives and ideals is that your fight is already won.

    What right do i as a male have that you lack as a female?

    Really, i'll sell all my worldly possessions and donate the money to a feminist charity if you can tell me one right that you lack that i possess.

    Really, just one.

    How about one half?

    I say maybe question the leadership of your leaders on this one.

  20. Women have already got equal rights.  What modern feminists seem to want is more and more special privileges and concessions.  Nothing seems to satisfy them.  I don't know whether they are out to destroy men or not, but they seem to be permanently discontented, and I don't know what it is they have to be discontented about.

  21. Hysteria based on ego-fragility.  The ego-fragility develops from entitlement belief systems which breeds emotional dependency and deeply acculturated self-serving needy expectations of others which restricts autonomous ego-development.  Master / Slave entitlement belief systems stunt autonomous ego development and breeds emotional and economic dependency upon the "slave" and the slave's "proper" assumption of slave behaviors and moralities (obedient, worshipful, unselfish, working for no money, caring, nurturing, self-sacrificing, subservient, giving, etc.) in order for the master's ego to be stroked and the master to feel powerful and sufficient.  Once the slave is free, the master fearfully realizes that he lacks the personal autonomy and self-integration to function unless powered by the interaction and benefits derived from his exploitive relationship with the slave.  He feels terribly threatened, weakened, vulnerable to attack and lost in a strange new system in which he is expected to stand on his own two feet without benefit of ego-stroking and unfair social advantages.  

    When the slave no longer assumes his or her subservient non-threatening moralities, there is panic and hysteria in the master, including irrational delusions of homicidal intentions and presumed hatred directed at him from the freed slave during the withdrawal phase and a sense of disloyal ungrateful abandonment in the weaning-off from the emotional relationship with the slave.  The master having suffered a loss then psychologically progresses through Kubla-Ross' stages of grief.  That progression occurs within the individual and within the social consciousness.

    Denial (and Isolation)





  22. I have never heard this idea expressed, but usually when people talk about being "destroyed", there are some deep psychological issues behind being so dramatic.  I suppose men who felt this way about feminism might have mother issues. Or paranoia. Or one of the personality disorders. Or a metal spike went through their head in a freak accident. Who knows? The point is that it's a crazy idea.

  23. 30 years of intense observation?

  24. Whats wrong with equality?  Most men here want women and men to be equal.  I thought women already had equal rights?  Which men state this?  Can you provide links?  You are intelligent.  Are you equating men who want to be equal with women as being wrong?  Peace.  

  25. Well it all stems back to power. Before women decided to come out and vote and get what they wanted, which would be a career in a male dominant world and the right to vote, they were not given the chance to shine. Now that women are working in the male dominated sector due to a few good women throwing themselves in front of a carriage to prove a point - the suffragettes, the men feel threatened because positions that they could easily have, have become more scarce and more people are doing their work. Also another element is that men now find themselves displaced in that previously roles were well defined. Men work and bring home the bacon and women are supposed to maintain the house and rear children. This definite role structure had been disbanded and so the men feel like they need to find a new niche area or re-gain what they had before.

    This often results in the stay at home dad and also a new interest in the areas which have been dominated by women for so many years. Men are finding it difficult to fit in to this changing world and finding out what disadvantage people felt for all that time. Men need to embrace that women want to achieve more.

    Women are not out to destroy men but merely out to prove themselves and their abilities which have been stifled for so long.

  26. some radical feminists needs to blame all the worlds problems on men

    some radical feminists thinking all male triats are bad

    some radical feminists needs to always paint females as weak and innocent every time

    some guys cant handle change

  27. Because it's a competition; and like in any competition winning involves beating the other side.  By neccessity, gaining more rights and freedoms for one group means reducing the rights and freedoms of another.  It may be that men have more than  their fair share of rights and freedoms - but that doesn't alter the fact that they need to be taken away from men for women to have them.  When one side has an advangage, making a level playing field neccessitates reducing that advantage - and who in their right mind wants to give up an advantage?

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