
What do you think is behind McCains lady VP pick?

by Guest56019  |  earlier

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Smart move to pick a lady?

Do you not think he now wants and will get all of Hillary's followers?

Smart move I say

What do you think?




  1. Says a lot about his decision making, he only met the woman once in his life just recently. He has insulted women all over America, he believes that women are so shallow minded that they will now vote for him simply because he has a woman as his vp......How silly of him...

  2. I think it's a great move whether he picks up any Hillary supporters or not. Palin is a strong Conservative.

  3. smart move..

    he wanted to move the attention away from Obama's convention,(its like everybody forgot already..) and persuade Hillary to the republican side. thats what i say

  4. It's smart, but also bad for him at the same time.

    Yes, I'm sure he picked her as VP

    so he could get Hillary's followers.

    Also, if he picked a male VP, this would be viewed as "boring" by many voters

    compared to Obama, who could be the first African-American president.

    But Sarah Palin is also quite inexperienced,

    which is bad for McCain,

    since he's been criticizing Obama's lack of experience for so long. ^^

  5. it is definitely an interesting pick.  picking someone with almost no political experience may be good.  she can give a fresh perspective on everything.  she has not been tainted (i'm lacking for a better word right now) by politics too much

  6. I didn't notice her gender.

    Palin is the perfect VP candidate to attract the Republican base.

  7. FEAR!!!   He is worried cuz he has nothing but Bushes legacy to stand on.  

  8. maybe they'll legalize weed ;)

  9. He now has it in the bag!

  10. very smart move....

  11. He's just a horny old man.

  12. desperate attempt to get more votes

  13. It's risky but it was probably a smart move.... this has been a race for this history books due to the barriers that have been broken so McCain probably felt that he had to do somethingfresh and exciting too altho i guess a woman has run for VP before but still it doesnt happen every day

  14. She's no Hillary Clinton.  I watched her speech after McCain announced her and she came across as something of a light weight.  At times it seemed like she would be better suited to the Obama ticket.  Her message of bipartisan cooperation and that the country needs to change direction echoed what Barack said the night before.  

    Your assumption that Hillary supporters will flock to the McCain - Palin ticket simply because she is on it ignores one thing.  She is fundamentally, philosophically, 180 degrees away from Hillary on most issues that her supporters care about.

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