
What do you think is better for mixed martial arts??

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Do you think spending all your time in mixed martial arts classes is better then picking two things Arts to specialise in. A striking art and a grappling art or One art that covers all baces.

What will make you a better mixed martial artist in the long run. Give a detailed answer. Some thing to back up your answer would be great.




  1. I think learning one or two in the beginning is best, you don't want to overload yourself.  Many MMA gyms will have alternating striking and grappling you could do Brazilian Jiu Jitsu on Monday, Kickboxing on Tuesday, Wrestling on Wednesday, Boxing on Thursday and Judo on Friday, or something to that extent.  After time, the more comfortable you feel with your base martial arts, the more you could branch out.

  2. I think its better to pick two seperate arts or do MMA and also an art that may not have as many allowences in competition but is more creative.  Its important that you art is effective and that it will do good in the cage but at the same time for me a martial ART should have some expresion to it as well

    Now by that i dont mean jumping around and doing flips because that is hardly effective in the cage or anywhere for that matter, for me an art like BJJ or Boxing are very creative, this is what a martial art should be, simply jumping around is dancing and you might as well do breakdancing or something and MMA is very close to a real fight and real fights are rarely artistic

  3. pick 2 arts where u are super good at them  

  4. Find an MMA gym. They offer specialized classes there. Choose the ones that better fit you.


  5. IMO -- learn more than one martial art and then incorporate the moves that you are best at into your MMA.

    i.e.; Make YOUR mixed martial art an eclectic system based on your own personal strengths and weaknesses. To me, this seems like a much sounder method rather than learning a hodge-podge from the start.

    If you learn more than one martial art you will probably have a better chance of learning WHY a particular move is done rather than you would have if you are just being given a lot of alternative methods.

  6. here's a link of striking, grappling, weapon, and hybrid martial arts, I spend a lot of time reading the history behind these arts and STILL ain't finished with them

    my advice to you is, the more you know, the better. and as for training, dont feel pressured when learning 2 or 3 arts at the same time. Go at your own pace cause if you dont, you wont progress any faster than you would at a regular pace

  7. Definitely picking two martial arts. MMA teaches a mixture of several martial arts, hence Mixed Martial Arts. MM artists think it's better to know a little about everything then to know everything about just one art. I think it's better to know everything about everything. With typical MMA you'd probably learn a little bit of Muay Thai, Boxing, and Brazilian Jujitsu. Why not learn learn everything about Muay Thai, Boxing, and Brazilian Jujitsu? Also if you expand to different martial arts you can find what's best for you. You're probably not going to learn about Maharlika Kuntaw in a MMA gym. Kuntaw is actually a better grappling art than Brazilian Jujitsu. You definitely wouldn't learn anything about Bujinkan Ninjutsu which has EVERYTHING! Punching, kicking, throwing, choking, breaking (bones), killing, grappling, ground fighting, weapons, guerrilla fighting, everything! The grappling and ground fighting in Ninjutsu make Brazilian Jujitsu look like yoga or tai chi. Go with learning learning whole martial arts, not bits and pieces of them. Some people take MMA because they can learn about different martial arts at the same time, so just take several whole martial arts at the same time.

  8. All martial arts contain grappling with them, try juijitsu and taekwondo

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