
What do you think is better in a dancer...?

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do you think that it is better that a dancer dances:

a) with a lot of energy, but maybe overall doesnt look too clean

b) clean, but without any (or very minimal) energy

i know that the best thing would be being able to dance with energy and fire, but still keeping it clean, but between these, what do u think is better?




  1. Probably A if you were just taking classes for fun and things like that, but if you were serious about dancing, then B.

    B because your actually good.

  2. A lot of people would say B, because they think that automatically makes them the stronger dancer, but I think that A is actually better, because you can teach someone to hone their moves and clean up their dances (I personally have watched/taught people how) but its a lot harder to force energy or personality out of someone, and thats what makes dance interesting to watch. Also I guess it depends on the type of dancing, but I digress.


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