
What do you think is causing the biological clocks in very young females to tick louder, sooner and earlier?

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Which causes them to want babies at such very, very young ages and then they always find a means to have these babies they so desire. What do you really, honestly think is causing this? Besides the obvious parents?




  1. because babies are irrisistably cute and adorable!

  2. The new generation has been push into adult hood so quick most of them are been push to be parents for their younger sisters or brother. Doing adult things cause their parents are not even home to take care of them or to show them how things that they do, can result in a bigger problem then it was before.  

  3. Dysfunctional families and decadent values.

    Basically their own parents had no time for them, or spoiled them silly.

  4. They are just hornier than ever. Its all the chemicals, hormones in the food, the beef, the chicken, the pork, the fish.  Its contaminated and the food industry has bought off your local elected politicians.

  5. they never had love, this is one way of having a lifetime love.

  6. the hole world is more sexual just pay attention tv, clothing, magizines, talk shows, children that are bought up in broken homes there are alot of reason but it could be as simple as a girl being a follower and wanting to be just like one of her older friends even billboards with people in underwear and bras  

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