
What do you think is causing the damage to our Earth?

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Personal opinions.





    Over the last 20 years, the human population has increased by a third, global trade has tripled, and per capita income has gone up by 40%. Annual emissions of the main greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide, have also increased by one third.


    As the human population grows it has reached the point, the UN says, "where the amount of resources needed to sustain it exceeds what is available".


    Sixteen thousand species are threatened with extinction. Habitat loss is a major factor as many forests are cleared for agriculture. The UN estimates the global annual loss of primary forest is 50,000 km2.


    The availability of fresh water will decline, according to the UN, who project that by 2025 1.8bn people will be affected by water scarcity. Sanitation is also a major issue, as contaminated water is the greatest single cause of human disease and death. The state of the world's fisheries is also touched on by the report which says many fish stocks are overexploited, while the demand for fish is expected to rise alongside growing populations.


    By the end of 2007 it is estimated that more people will live in cities than rural areas for the first time in history. This rapid growth can put pressure on water resources and infrastructure.

    We are using resources faster than they can be replaced (forrests and fish).  We are taking up space and disrupting the way animals travel trapping them on small islands forcing them to either travel from island to island across highways, farmland and cities or stay and survive in small areas.  We have introduces many species of plant and animals that compete with native species for food and space or directly harmn them.  We still hunt animals for sport and for food and with growing human populations and increased pressure being placed on animals this is unsustainable.

    Imagine now htat a changing climate will force animals to migrate or adapt to these new conditions.  The problem is in the past animals did this over thousands of years in a world unspoiled and uninterupted by people.  How can we expect animals to travel hundeds or thousands of miles in under a century when most of their habitat has been destroyed,  when they hav4e to cross highways and cities, through dams and modified farmland and whilst competing with introduced species in degrated ecosystems.  The earth is fine but the earths ecosystem is under servere threat from us.

  2. us, the human race

  3. too many people and too many vehicles.

  4. Too many humans. Not enough planet.

  5. Vehicles, smoking, factories, basically almost anything mechanical that humans have created.

  6. Volcanoes.

    THEY are the most likely cause of global warming and the end of the most recent ice age..................

  7. Pollution, is the main cause of the damage of our planet.  It's my opinion that our lifestyles cause a lot of the damage too.  Excessive driving, poor recycling habits, wasteful habits, and much more. If we changed our ways, we could stop (or even reverse) the damage we have done to our planet, Earth, the only home we have.

  8. Which damage do you mean?  I am upset about all the electrical energy that is being produced.  I just answered a question about Northern Lights.  Now, even though I live in the country, it is not often that the sky is dark.  I am on a rather high hill and there are lights on the horizon everywhere.  Anyone who lives close to high tension wires seems to have a higher incidence of some cancers but there are no scientists working on such things that I know.  

    We are still throwing away too many plastics when we should be recycling them/reusing them.

    I do not believe in "global warming" in the Al Gore sense because part of the warming cycle is natural ebb and flow of the planet.  But, we have created some bad habits that we could cut back on.  We should be looking for SAFE energy resources.  The towers and windmills for electricity are noisy and disturb the environment but perhaps smaller ones for part-time use by individuals would cut back on energy consumption somewhat.  

    Maybe that is what we need to do...each person come up with a small damage control plan and see how that helps.

  9. Population is Causing damage to our EARTH.

    IF Population is more we have to provide House/Rods/Schools/Vech/Transport/Food /Cloth/Medical etc etc.

    For single avarage person needs  25 ltr of Water /2 unit of Electricity/ 1 ltr of Petrol/ 500 gms of food/1 set of cloth etc for Daily Life.

    Just imagine that if a single person causing this much damage and what happend to our Earth if all the population is cause damge to Earth.

    For providing the above we are damaging our Earth.


    Population to be reduced. If population is more damage to Natural resource is more

    please send e.mail


  10. factories, coal, cars that has no ethanol, trash, food wasting, dump trucks, etc.

  11. Too much materialism based on an incorrect view of the universe, a wrong world view.

    We have free will. We can choose not to do this.

    We make a mistake by assuming that we are just animals and nothing more. Man creates his own reality with his thoughts. If that seems like an outrageous statement, I'm here to tell you, that that is what all enlightened people in the world know. The state of things in the world are the result of the collective thoughts of all the people in the world. Outragious? Maybe, but it is true.

    Too much us and them thinking, too much thinking that the world is just stuff and therefore what does it matter what we do to our environment. It is all based on an incorrect world view. Reality is quite different than commonly assumed.

    You might want to read some books by Fred Alan Wolf Phd who writes books about quantum physics and the nature of reality. The universe is far more strange than we think it is.

    And man is far more than commonly thought.

    Wolf's books include The Spiritual Universe,

    The Dreaming Universe , Taking the Quantum Leap.  Also a book called The Tao of Physics is an earlier book with a similar theme. But Wolf makes the ideas accessable to a layman and fun to read.  If you have even a basic understanding of atoms and such, these books are not too difficult, but they will stretch you mind and broaden your horizons.

    And if you are open to expanding your perceptions even more, I recomment the three books called  "Conversations with God"  by Neale Donald Walsch.  The ideas presented there are consistant with what all enlightened people worldwide understand.  Fundamentalists will have a hard time with this and probably call it the work of the devil,  trust me, it is the truth.  Approach with open mind.  It's hard to receive new information when your mind is already full of preconceived notions.

    The mechanistic universe of cause and effect  is based on Newtonian physics several hundred years old. This is still the outlook of most scientists, and for the most part consitutes our world view,  but that is changing. That is by no means the universe that quantum physics describes.

    The Newtonian model is still very useful of course, and is valid for most of our considerations in manipulating the physical world, but is a very limited view.  

    Also, evolution is much more than just survival of the fittest. this aspect of evolution has been stressed at the expense of perhaps a more important concept, that of symbiosis. Evolution happens as much by cooperation among species as it does by competition. The first idea has so dominated our thinking, especially in the west, that we have arrived at a dog eat dog kind of perception of reality that has colored our cultural values, economic theories and more. It is a very limited view. That is what is wrong with the world.

    And religions have limited views as much as reductionists scientist do.

    I saw a bumper sticker recently that says a lot.

    "God is too big to fit inside one religion"

    That's because God, or the absolute or whatever you want to call it, is INFINITE. Beyond any religion's description and beyond any of our scientific descriptions. No concept can describe infinity.

    You don't have to be religious per say to get something from what I'm saying.

    This is what no one is talking about, that what the world needs to solve it's problems is higher consciousness. If you think that's a pipe dream, you are dead wrong. The world is full of people who have achieved this higher consciousness. I personally have met hundreds of them. As Bob Dylan said in a song, "there's something going on here, but you don't know what it is, do you Mr Jones?"

    And as William Blake said "a fool and a wise man don't see the same tree"

    Reality is a perception. Not a fixed rigid thing.

    Shakespeare, another wise man, said the same thing . to paraphrase since I don't have it here in front of me,

    " the world is far more than you philosophers could possibly dream of"

    Life is a dream! some people wake up from the dream. Blake and Shakespeare were among those who wake up.

    How's that for food for thought?

    If people truly understood what I am saying, their  views about the environment would be quite different.

  12. all the driving and factory pollution ya  know that fake christmas trees cause 7 times more pollution then a car driving 10 hours a day does in a year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. It's the transport that causes the most pollution.

  14. The state of Missouri

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