
What do you think is causing the disappearance of the bees??

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According the news report. Bees around the world are disappearing, and scientist dont know whats causing it.

I also read at that Albert Enstien once said, if bees are eliminated that man will soon perish.




  1. Ya, the bees are not dying, THEY ARE ALLL IN MY BACKYARD!!

    DO you know how many bees there are in my backyard, i would kill a guy to get them out. I think they are all migrating to my house

    Albert einstine is a dead man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. wow what a coincidence!!  My teacher just told my class this morning about a report saying how bees are dying because of radiation from cell phones.

    apparently in the test, all the bees in a room moved to the farthest corner away from the source of the radiation (cell phone signal)

    also some civilians are confirming this, but some other people (like the above answerer) are not.  Some people have lots of wireless networks (cell phones and other things as well) and they are driving the bees away from their hives near the civilian's house.

    I've also heard quotes that if all bees dies, then humans will die within 4 years or earlier.  This is because apparently bees pollinate many foods that we eat.  I'm not SURE if this is true.

    EDIT:  I know 'evil moobs', he is just joking.   haha I've been to his house; he doesn't have a lot of bees.

  3. Actually they say that the bees are disappearing due to the ultrasonic (I think) waves put off by cell phone towers.

  4. I think they're going with the dolphins.  To the restaurant at the end of the universe, before the Vogons get here to build a bypass.

  5. That's very interesting but rest assured, the bees in Ohio are as crazy as ever and everyone in my city has a cell phone.

  6. It's not clear if there is a single cause or multiple causes for  bee colony collapse disorder.

    If the bees go, man will no perish but agriculture will take a huge hit. Bees account for billions of dollars in fruits and vegetables and are necessary for many crops. Of course with a dip in the food supply and the predicted peak in our population, many humans may starve - of course that's probably going to happen anyway. In fact it's happening right now - every 5 seconds a child under the age of 12 dies of starvation.

  7. I don't know, and neither does anyone else, so there are all kinds of crazy ideas floating around the Internet, like cell phones and even the hexagon on Saturn causing it. I bet it is something more mundane and complex; not one single cause. It may be like whale strandings. We still don't know why whales strand.

  8. We have several hives within 100 feet of our house.

    And every hive is doing fine.

    Our 5 cell phones don't seem to bother them a bit and thats all I ever hear about that could be harming them.

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