
What do you think is cooler than what you belive in already?

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Even If it accepted as science, state what you believe in or what is scientific fact to you and then what you think would be much cooler than what you already believe in?

Example 1: Christianity - Evolution Because I don't have to submit to any supreme being and I don't have to live in fear thinking that what ever I do in life will affect my eternity. I just want to live, die, and sleep forever!

Example 2 : Evolution - Scientology Because the fact that we are aliens is cool!

Example 3: God of Zeus - Amadioha (the god of thunder and lightning) Because the name sounds cool.




  1. I believe in Creation, God, and his son Jesus.

    If I were to choose a religion, I would pick Buddhism. I like the idea of reincarnation, I just don't believe that it is factual.

  2. Well, I believe in soul mates, one true twin flame, and that every soul is here on earth on a journey to learn, and to help others through their journey-----right up to the point of their union with their twin flame (most of us think as soul mate).

    So to go even further-------I wish for a union with my soul mate, and spend the rest of my life, no matter how long, talking and exploring each other  and sharing our life stories before we depart into the life hereafter!

  3. I believe in the philosophy of..........

    "I believe........I'll have another beer".

    even though, I actually, in real life, hate beer.

    I just like that philosophy, of sitting back, mellowing out,  not taking too much seriously......and just enjoying life.

    and Bettany......if you never saw the Movie,  "What Dreams May Come" was an interesting movie based on the very concept you just described.

    Wonderful concept......but beware.......this was an extremely depressing and downer of film........riddled with tragedy and unspeakable heartbreak...and the very levels of h**l.

    But  2 soul mates trimumph over it all!

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