
What do you think is going on...?

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I was in my room a few minutes laying down because I'm sick, I'm also home alone. But I heard something fall in the kitchen and I got scared so I grabbed something heavy and went to the kitchen, when I got there I noticed that this thing we had on the wall had fallen off and flew 9-feet across the room, which I don't see how that's possible! This is not the first time it falls off the wall and it always ends up on the other side of the kitchen. Usually when something falls it just falls straight down but the thing that's on our wall basically flys across the room. And there's other things on the wall so I don't understand why they don't fall off too. My cousin is the person who gave us the item because he got it as a souvenir from the place where he was traveling. Anyway do you think this is some kind of paranormal activity?

Here's a picture of the item:




  1. It is probably a mask worn to mean doing some kind of evil.

    And God is probably having one of his angels knock it off your wall.

    Why Not burn It?

  2. I was unable to see the pic, but just from your description of what happened, I'd say that it is some type of paranormal activity.  Things don't "fall" 9 ft away.  I've seen other things go flying, usually during an investigation with my group.  My old home was full of activity; I saw a belt fly across the room and smack the wall hard enough to chip it.  Our kitchen cabinet doors would open and slam shut repeatedly, til my husband yelled at it to stop.  Several times we came home to find every drawer and cabinet in the kitchen open, and faucets running in both bathrooms.  No wonder our water bill was so high that month!  Have you experienced anything else?  I'd try to find a paranormal group in your area and ask for an investigation.

  3. "You hang it on the wall, but just barely. Then you wait for it to fall and observe what happens to it. Do this a few times so you can establish a pattern. I bet it scoots across the room every time."

    Peter's answer above is spot on. Why not investigate instead of just sitting and wondering? An object 5-6 feet on a wall will have enough kinetic energy to pop it horizontally 9 feet (did you actually pull out the tape measure to measure this?) when it hits the floor, depending on the orientation when it hits. The mask is an odd shape and it's likely that its going to hit at some oblique angle and it will scoot across the floor.

    If you don't want to investigate this, just hang it with a secure hook and wire and be done with it.

  4. I'm wondering if you didn't just want us to look at that scary picture. Maybe you have a dead relative in your house who is  throwing it to tell you to get that scary thing out of there...for your own protection. Or maybe it's your guardian angel telling you to get it out of there.

  5. "How about this:

    You hang it on the wall, but just barely. Then you wait for it to fall and observe what happens to it. Do this a few times so you can establish a pattern. I bet it scoots across the room every time."

    lol, it scoots 9 ft.?

  6. maybe you should find out what that mask means. usually masks have some kind of meaning, is there anyway you could find out?

    Stand in your kitchen and just say this out loud, " You do not belong here, you are dead, go with God." See what happens!

  7. i do believe that there could be something out of the normal with the mask, the best thing to do would be to get a camcorder and place it in full view of the mask and the floor and just let it record and if it happens review the tape and see what happened, also if you have animals if they are around when it falls the could end up pushing it around the floor before you get there.


    please avoid these kind of things (ancient, strange artifacts).. they tend to carry bad energy and are capable of being dangerous.. a friend of mine used to collect those kinda stuff.. her son went mad.. at first she didn't see the connection.. then when someone told her that it was the cause oh her son going mad.. she realised that he went mad around the time she started collecting these stuff. im not trying to scare you.. pls throw it away.. it really looks creepy and i dont get a good feeling from it.. pls throw it awawy

  9. I think you just gave me goosebumps and I would be scared to touch it. I believe it is paranormal for sure.

  10. How about this:

    You hang it on the wall, but just barely.  Then you wait for it to fall and observe what happens to it.  Do this a few times so you can establish a pattern.  I bet it scoots across the room every time.

  11. I have been in paranormal Investigations for 16 years now and I will not attribute what you have said to be paranormal based on the information you have mentioned  nor should anyone else by doing so it will instill fear into you first off like the other person stated recreate the mask falling either by a loose nail or by just simply dropping it look at the results do you have pets in the house? are your floors hardwood with wax on them that could cause things to skid easily is there a slanted floor trim at the base of the wall the mask could hit that slanted trim which would cause it to slide easily do these things first and let us know the results

  12. Do you live in a historical house that has a ghost...that would have caused it to fly across the room. The relic looks to be of spiritual mask of the S Americas.

  13. Perhaps try hanging it somewhere else and see if the same thing happens.

  14. The thing that your cousin got is freaky!!!!! And I don't see how something can fly 9-feet without someone touching it...well, inless your the myth busters. (go Adam!!!)

    Sorry, I had to do that. If this is happening on a normal basis, then can you please e-mail me. I know alot about this topic, and should be able to help you. If you do, can you please tell me any information that might lead up to this...I don't know why, but I feel like there is something really weird in that hosue...sorry!! I don't mean to freak you out though!

  15. We always try to think of logical answers for such behavior, but nine ft away? YYIIKKEESS!!!!!. I wouldn't put that back up.Sounds abit scary and the mask looks scary too. Pack it away, give it away, or throw it away and get yourself some holy water.  good luck.

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