
What do you think is going to finally wipe out the human race. This is what i remember from History channel.?

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1.Global Warming.

2.Killer Diseases.

3.Nuclear War.

4.Super Asteroid.

Other Super Computers and i forget the rest.




  1. global warming

    and if republicans continue to run the country

    and ignorance

  2. killer diseases definitley. its very easy for viruses to mutate from harmless to deadly, and although it may not happen like it did in I am Legend, I think thats the way we'll go.

  3. we will never be defeated...................................


  4. Everything says global warming. I don't like to think about it and I would like to hope I'm not here when it happens!

  5. Sterilistaion...

    The vast majority of us will be sterilised this will either be done covertly or we will be so brain washed by mass media that we will accept it with open arms justified by some greater good. Saving the planet for example.

    Of course those deciding who get sterilised will not be subject to it as they will be the ruling class the owners of the planets wealth... the elite.. their genetic lines will need to be preserved for the benefit of the planet.

  6. Voluntary ignorance. AGW deniers (notice I said deniers, not skeptics) are a prime example.

  7. Global warming because with this a lot of effects follow for example like tsunami which appears out of nowhere all of a sudden a lot of people are washed away then this tsunami also wrecked havoc on the agricultural fields which destroys crops for humans to eat then all the industrial plants which produces canned goods preserved foods etc will also shut down or some of their products will be destroyed or damaged by this 1 calamity alone and everything follows

  8. none of the above

    The human race has the intelligence to survive through anything except the obliteration of the planet, and even if that happened, we would find somewhere to live.  I think that life on Earth will be wiped out at the end of the Sun's life, when the Sun expands and swallows the inner planets of the Solar System.  By that time (about 6 billion years), humans would have probably reached vast distances into the universe, finding new planets to live on.

  9. A superior Alien Race

  10. I agree that Disease is something that American citizens are not nearly scared enough about.  More Americans die and will continue to die by things like heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and AIDs than have ever died in war or from global warming.  Global warming is a scam...nuclear war may someday happen, but I'm personally not going to be concerned about it...and that's about it.  As a nurse, I'm working towards educating people about the real risks we face in health care, not believing all the media lies about global warming.

  11. Either environmental degradation or a giant asteroid are the most immediate likely possibilities.

  12. Letting a few people do all the thinking for the rest of us will be our down fall

  13. disease. the world is overpopulated and the more densly packed a place is, the faster a disease spreads.

    a nuclear war wouldn't kill all humans, and an asteroid big enough to wipe out all humans is very unlikely. I don't know about global warming's potential effect on humans though.

  14. global warming and nuclear war.

  15. Global warming will result in fewer deaths from cold than from warming so rule that out, even if it does begin to warm again which is uncertain.

    Killer diseases such as SARS are unlikely to kill all humans, the deadliest threats such as Ebola are too effective and don't spread far enough before killing their hosts. SARS and most other microbes can be evaded or purified with our technology, so in a major outbreak we'd simply begin to use UV lights to kill any virus or germ that threatens us.

    Nuclear war is unlikely to kill all humans outright but if enough of them were used a nuclear winter could make things very difficult for a century or two. This is much less likely than it was 20 years ago.

    Super asteroid or comet impact is very unlikely but they have hit in the past. If it hit in the ocean, global extinction would be unlikely but coastal areas would be inundated and weather patterns would shift for years due to the extra water vapor in the atmosphere. A land impact could kill everything by throwing up enough dust to block the sun long enough to freeze us solid, not to mention seismic events resulting from impact stress.

    Computers are unlikely, there's no more reason to assume they would be hostile to humans than that aliens would want to kill or enslave us on sight.

    The most likely cause of our extinction is a solar flare or coronal mass ejection (CME). If it stripped away the ozone layer or our EM field, we'd die from the radiation that is currently being blocked. Not to mention a CME of sufficient size would be the same or worse than an asteroid impact. We're not too far from the sun and it has happened in the past, we see it happening with other stars. Fortunately we've been elsewhere in our orbit when it happened, it would have to be close to a direct hit to affect us.

  16. I think Humans are the biggest threat to Humans.

  17. None of the above.  The answer lies within a history book, long before we were born!  It is written in the Bible and the answer is God.  Only God knows how and when it's going to happen.  We can theorize all we want but, it is and will be, to the end of days; In God's hands and time.  The only way to prepare for it is through Faith.

  18. Nuclear war

    I don't believe humans have the capacity to make computers closely as smart as the human brain. What evidence is their that supercomputers would WANT to rebel against their masters? (except for sci fic)

    Super asteroids are more likely to affect one part of the planet, instead of everywhere.....that whole giant asteroid theory that killed the dinosaurs is still a theory, proof.....(there could be many other ways dinos died)

    Global warming is a gradual process. Humans are able to adapt to the changes of global warming in time. They are even able to reverse it.

    Last, but not least, it's easier for humans to develop resistance against pathogens than to radiation. Germs have been around for millenia, radiation hasn't really started affecting until WWII or that hole in the ozone layer

  19. I think human tampering of all kinds will end the human race. Weapons of mass destruction, genetically engineered Frankenfood, global warming, pollution, overpopulation. Yikes!!!! Watch the documentaries "The future of food" and "An inconvenient truth". All scary ****.

  20. Global warming will have to stand in line

    the Americans want 3.Nuclear War.

    and i think they will get their wish.

    Unless Nibiru decides to show up

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