
What do you think is going to happen if...?????

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What do you honestly think the United States will turn into if Obama wins........?...........if McCain wins.........?

Is it true that McCain was asked in an interview how many houses he had, and he responded"" I don't know, I will have to research that and get back to you".




  1. If Obama wins, we'll have a return to the prosperity and good times of the 90s.

    If George W McCain wins, well, 4 more years of failure.

    It's true. Kinda scary that a man who can't count to 7 wants to take on the job of president. But that's crazy ol' John McPOW.

  2. Not much will change either way.

    The corporations, through lobbysists, control the government.  Well evidenced by the Medicare Prescription Drug Program, Bankruptcy bill, invasion of Iraq and so forth and so on.

    Neither McCain nor Obama will change the situation significantly.

  3. Not much will change.  At least not immediately.

  4. Not much will change. Big corporations control the government. They have both red and blue politicians in their pocket. The proof in pudding of that is failure of the democratic congress to end the war, among other things. Both parties supported the bailout of the financial houses at the expense of the people. Changes to improve the lives of everyday people will not happen until we limit the ability of corporations to control the government. Campaign finance reform would be a good start.

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