
What do you think is going to happen when we REALLY run out of our precious oil?

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I think we will kill each other first. there will be some survivers that will live like the old day of carridges and farms. The industrial revolution started our ultimate doom. the omish may survive if they arn't raided or bombed or radiated. sorry to ramble.




  1. When oil runs out they will likely find something worse to replace it. If you thought oil was bad for the environment, just wait.....

  2. we will adjust.....oil was never the first energy supply used... coal, electricity and steam were used prior to petroleum.... oil energies won out because it was a cheaper more transportable source to use.....

          we have the resources and the technologies to succeed where others will fail.... running out of oil would not be a bad thing.... greenhouse gases would actually subside....our air would be cleaner and health issues related to air pollution would decrease....

  3. Yes, I cant wait for the ****** oil to run it. Peoples egos are huge, they have lost sight of the true nature of spirit. If we had it then we wouldn't be destroying the earth for the ill illusion of material wealth. Greed and hate are in control that is why the world is looking more and more hellish each day. Oh, man you will not get this...when I was typing this **** up...some moth flew in from my window flappin its wings all crazy. I think it must of saw the light, you know since for some reason moths are attracted to light. I dont know why that is, maybe it turns them on. Anyway, what I was know about the god thing. God is all, and all is god. Paris Hilton sucks by the way. She is a demon spawn set loose on earth to lower the standards. Lets not worry now, please lower your voice. I do not want you to create negative energy. Our thoughts can change the physical world. I mean all is inner connected and all that. The universe is like a huge web

  4. It is  not going to be like that..We will be  running this  country  much  like the  Europeans..for example  some  have a  4 to 5  $  tax on  gas  ,,something  like that.this is  used to create mass  transit.their  homes are small,,small  gardens,,food  available from  locale  growers..families are 1 to 2  children...bikes are used in place of  cars...there is  no  weekend jump in the car 'drive 300 miles  to fry hamburgers out  by the North  lake..much will be  done on  foot..  Italy 50 years ago..mother would  shop at the market in the  morning  for the days  food..father would  be earning the  bread  someplace

  5. wats there man's always on look for replacements.if oil runs out other means of fuel comes into the water, air ,electricity,solar energy,fuel cells and all that.recently they showed a a car that uses compressed air as fuel to run the engine.more over its still under construction.

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