
What do you think is harder baton twirling or cheerleading?

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I am a baton twirler.

We are cheerleaders with sticks...




  1. I think it all depends on what kind of cheer leading and what kind of twirling you do. I am an ex-cheerleader baton twirler. There can be a twirler who drops all the time and has no hand-eye coordination and sucks, the same way there can be a cheerleader who can't do any stunts and has no rhythm and sucks. However, if anyone has ever seen or been to a baton competition, you will see why I am saying, without a doubt, baton twirling. The basic Baton stuff that you see on TV and what not is nothing. There are hundreds of tricks and stunts in baton which involve extensive ballet and gymnastics. Sure, girls in cheer leading may fall and break their legs and arms, but we baton twirlers have our share of injuries too. It is very common to(after having finishing a 10-15 year, professional career) have had a broken nose, broken jaw, broken finger, broken foot and concussions. And did I mention, we twirl fire and knives?

    Don't get me wrong, I think cheer leading is a very hard sport and I have nothing but respect for professional cheerleaders, but the fact of the matter is, there are a lot lower standards for being a head cheerleader, than for being a majorette.

    FYI: A majorette, A.K.A. featured twirler is a twirler who performs for football games and parades, among other things.

  2. To be completely honest I have to say the cheerleader.  Cheerleaders are required to lift or be lifted during stunting as well as jump and tumble along with the "cheering."  Also most cheer teams also compete in competitions that require tumbling that the average female or male cannot do without some training.

  3. I think Twirling is sort of harder because not only are you doing a lot of dance moves and gymnastics but you also have to twirl and even juggle 3 batons. But Cheerleading does do a lot of harder stuff Twirling does not like flips and Pyramids.

  4. baton twirler!!

  5. Which is harder throwing sticks or people?

  6. majorettes? thats like english cheer right, i know cus im english lol. i did majorettes for a while :)

    and having done both

    i'd say they're both difficult on different levels

    for baton, the actual twirling and tricks are hard

    + fo some people the dance part can be hard too.

    but for cheer

    it's hard conditioning, stunts, and tumbling.

  7. Baton twirlers throw sticks.

    Cheerleaders throw athlete's.

    You tell me what's harder throwing a 2 ounce stick or a 110 pound person. You choose what would be harder to throw.

    That's all I have to say.

  8. I think that baton twirlers are similar to cheerleaders because they both get the crowd interested. It's hard to twirl batons all around and throw and catch them, I have to admit. But, I'm gonna have to say that cheerleading is harder since I'm one, and I've been working on certain skills for 4 years and I still have a lot to learn. We have to tumble fearlessly, throw ourselves in the air and trust the people below to catch us, and jump with our legs parallel to the ground. Cheer is intense, and people should recognize that cheerleading is a sport! Afterall, it ranks in at #1 as the sport with the most injuries, followed by gymnastics, and then football.

  9. Well I'd say baton twirling because when you throw it up you usually do tricks under it and their is less to catch. Depending of how the lighting is outside sometimes it's like performing with your eyes shut and you have to trust you self and your muscle memory to get it right.  And twirling fire that says danger in itself.  But cheerleading is hard too since they have to throw people and all that but in cheerleading it's more a team moving as one and in baton everyone must know their part since people have more solos and the individual has no room for any error of any kind.

  10. Baton twirling. I am one myself also. We have to throw our batons up for solos and for team/group events. Cheer leading you throw people, which seems like it would also be difficult, but you work as a group. Also baton has jumps just like Cheer leading, but we do them with our batons. So I definitely think twirling is harder.

    [No offense to any cheerleaders, I think you guys are amazing too.]

  11. different answer . expect many thumbs down on this . ballet is the most physically demanding art/sport in the world . exceeds any olympic athelete . hard choice baton, cheerleading . both are sports , more thumbs down . my opinion as retired pro athelete . baton is more difficult individual sport . no room for error . cheer leaders . practice longer than teams they do cheer for , requires intelligence , well above average , since longer practices equal less study time . better teamwork than team cheering for , no room at all for error , players on field make mistakes every play , teammates cover errors . cheer leaders are not afforded the room for small error . three ratings , many thumbs down . you did not include ballet , as a sport . it is the hardest by far . i would have to vote cheerleading by the slimest of margins over baton . if ballet was included . no brainer . number one . you are a very gifted , intelligent athelete . i hope your answers give you the respect that you have earned through hard work , both physically and mentally . congratulations on your present acheviments , and your great future . well done

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