
What do you think is human nature and how does it influence society or how does society influence human nature

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yes i get that humans make up society but how does our nature influence it and what is human nature? do you think we are born good, bad or neutral and why?




  1. Human nature is, like animals, our reactions, needs, desires, goals, and survival tools we partake or use in our existence and are different forms of our methods to survival.

    Because we are constantly learning and becoming more and more aware of life, it's process, and discovering inventions/creations that ease our way of life, our human nature is slowly becoming twisted and turned more and more.

    Society is created by US...humans group together with a certain mindest and desired cultural upbringing, living among each other to be their own 'society'.

    Now given every person is unique, and they have their own views, values, and knowledge....society would be influenced by human nature because of the influence of each individual's actions and decisions.  And what's interesting is that when the society itself assimilates traditions, ideas, and ways of life into a practice....suddenly the SOCIETY affects an individual's upbringing and his/her human nature reflects off what SOCIETY has made as a 'way of life'

    Although somewhat fiction TARZAN is like the most perfect example of human nature influencing society (the group of apes), and then society affecting human nature (our life on tarzan.)

    Colonization also is another perfect example.  Rome's society adapted all kinds of different types of life (because it took over all of them), and soon it was practiced as its own....

    I think we're all born neutral, we aren't aware of ANYTHING until we start to study the world and behavior.  And when it comes to scenarios that involve bad/good decisions, it's human nature to seek what would result in self gratification or safe survival means.  IF a guy was raised in an attic all his life with NO introduction to anything but food, water, and that's it...until he was unleashed into the world at 14 to be affected by wouldn't be until that time would he know something was good or not depending on whether someone TOLD him what was good or bad, situations he faces that the outcome makes him realize what HE deems was right or wrong....and his interaction with life and his indulgence in things he will learn his mind and body desires/likes.

  2. well, i think society is made up of humans - we're all part of society which is a mixture of average behaviors among the population and laws.  society and humans are one and the same.

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