
What do you think is more evil?

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BAFTE, the UN, the democrats or the nutjob in Iran? Their all pretty evil as is and I don't personally know anyone that likes BAFTE. Now I'm pretty sure this question will get taken down. It would only be the.... 9th violation notice this weak? Liberals in the politics question seem to report me left and right when I attack their made up anti-palin smear fantasies.




  1. They're all equally evil and enemies of America and freedom.

  2. Al Taqwa is by far more dangerous than ANYTHING you mentioned.

    Hey, don't call me a

  3. Personally I vote Mahmood Ackma-Icantspellhisname-ijahd.

  4. Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of mankind? The Shadow knows, and his name is Bush!

  5. I'd have to say the UN also. We pay too much, have too little say, and they want to take away our freedoms. I wish we would quit, and kick them out of the US.

  6. evil is as evil does, bush is the worst of all, evil that thinks it's right

  7. More evil...The nutjob in Iran. Which one poses the most danger to us?...the UN. Why?... because the BATFE is sometimes, sort of, kinda, almost under control of the sometimes, sort of, kinda, almost government of the people, by the people, for the people. Sort of.

    The democrats, well...they're democrats. Not real smart sometimes but they're Americans (most of them). The nutjob in Iran, everyone knows he's dangerous so they're watching him. The UN, they're sneaky suckers that worm their way into our government through treaties & other such stuff & most people think they're doing the world good. They're the ones who will "get us". Look at their policies. Worse than anything we've got in the government (even the democrats). They sneak suttle changes into the way we govern ourselves & pretty soon, you can't tell the US from any other country.

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