
What do you think is my purpose here?

by Guest56522  |  earlier

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I'm conducting an essay about study habits and the use of gadgets while studying. if it serves as a distraction or helpfulness. do you thnk there is any significance.? because they think i dont. watcha think.?




  1. Your purpose, presumably, is to ask this question and find data about the topic of your essay.

    As to the use of gadgets, it depends what you mean by that.

    Some young people find listening to music helps them  when studying, whilst older people find noise distracting when they need to concentrate.

    Computers are useful to do research, but they can be false friends as they are addictive and they consume an enormous amount of time in which serious revision could be done. It takes considerable willpower to turn them off and concentrate on what you are learning. If you do not have this willpower, then they become an hindrance.  

  2. I think you are distracted right now by being on the internet.  Point proven.

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