
What do you think is on the otherside of time?

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In the land of no days and no nights and God will be the light of that world thereof .




  1. Time ?????  time is a man made invention

  2. the watchmaker..

  3. Ooooh, I like this question. There is a heirarchy on the otherside or "spirit realm" that is very intricate and fascinateing. Time is for this linear, material existance only. On the otherside, at the speed of thought you can travel to any time and place to experience many different things. If you want to know more, research near death experiences, like I did. Most of them are great, but a few have been scarey. I suppose it depends on the control you have over your own mind and emotions at the time of your physical death. I believe we'll have the power to manifest the things we want to see, intentionally or unintentionally so when you cross over, use your new skills with caution, or you may scare yourself. Namaste  

  4. 4th dimension and alien beings, we are travelling that path already.

  5. Eternity

  6. the rest of your it be in darkness and pain or with light and glory....

  7. a lot of boredom

  8. Time passes and man rushes to keep abreast of time. Until it dawns upon him time itself seeks his patronage as measure of its existence. His life spent in time and passed in years and remains but as the blink of his eye, passed as a moment, a sum of happy memories encapsulated within a few moments of life within an existence. And when he ceases to run with time, it stands not still, nor has it moved from the moment of his realisation of it. Man is time, the world about him revolves and moves yet none know to where, buds grow, flower, wither and ie to be reborn, thus is the cycle of life and time. Moments and people passed on, leave behind memories as will we when we are no more. What are memories accenting an absence of one who was, existed in a time. The world revolves yet immovable and constantly still is time and the universe. Where did creation emerge from, and to where will it end. For man is the reflection of the universe and of time itself reflected, echoed. What is man but matter, spirit and imagination. What is the universe but man magnified.

    The Question. The Life.  Man in Time.

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