
What do you think is one of the most repected jobs? What is the least respected and can do without?

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What do you think is one of the most repected jobs? What is the least respected and can do without?




  1. Respected Jobs - Doctors, teachers, philanthropist

    Do without - Real Housewives of NYC and Elton John

  2. Oh i'mcool - if you are functioning under the delusion that lawyers are respected then good luck to you - if you are studying law (and sorry I'm just a lowly stay at home mum so I can only guess that Oxford let you in to do this) then I think you are absolutely perfect for it - we better listen to you? You'll make a GREAT lawyer - probably the least respected bottom feeders I can think of.

    So to answer the question - definitley lawyers for the least respected, ergo jokes like "What's the saddest thing about a busload of lawyers driving over a cliff? It wasn't full!" Boom boom. Could we do without them? In an awful lot of instances absolutely - they make money off people's misery and in far too many cases they are the ONLY winners once they get involved... scum.

    Most respected? Pro bono lawyers hahah! Actually that's difficult, it's hard to respect doctors when they whinge about only earning £80K on a part-time basis, or dentists who do the same. I think firemen and paramedics have to be up there. Nurses and and the army of invisible cleaners who work through the night so all the doctors and dentists don't trip over all their c**p and employ the ambulance chasing lawyers to sue the councils for damages out of the public education and health care funds..

    What a rant!! I thoroughly respect my other half who teaches despite the disgusting lack of respect he gets for it.

  3. most:  teacher;    least: car sales manager and attorney.

    can do without:  car sales manager:  they push the sales person into doing unethical things to get a sale.

  4. Just because a job has very little respect doesn't mean we can do without it, or at least not easily.  Most people I know don't respect garbage men, or custodians, but they do us a great service.

  5. most respected -top league footballer

    least respected - psychiatrists.

  6. I think the most respected job in the UK is Fireman (Fire-fighter), and the least respected is Traffic Warden, but unfortunately we can't do without them.

    For jobs we could do without, I think any job where the person doing it is continually harping on about how important their job is.

  7. Unlike Jez i'm gonna ACTUALLY ANSWER your question instead of giving a meaningless lecture, well i think a lawyer is the most respected person in the issue of jobs as him/her serves justice whilst shop keeping is the most unrespectable unless u actually own that shop

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