
What do you think is the Major contributing factor to global warming?.?

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My guess is that it would have to be fossil feuls , polluting our atmosphere, and destroying the ozone layer.




  1. The sun

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    Flat out with out all that energy form that big ball of fusion energy we would not have a worry in the world except for the big

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  2. The world heats up and cools down and has been doing it for billions of years. It is questionable rather we began global warming or not but is more then likely we are contributing to it, but we don't know how much. It is also unknown if there would be any change in global warming if we stop polluting all together. there is no doubt we are affecting the atmosphere, and that is not a good thing. but the atmosphere and earth's climate is always changing and there really isn't much we can do about that except try and not to contribute to it. Oh by the way don't listen to politicians, read articles from published and acredit physical scientists, a phd (unlike myself) if you really want to know whats going on.

    thermal vents, volcanic activity and many more contribute to wether the erath is in the proccess of heating up or cooling down.

  3. The sun causes climate change.  The evidence is overwhelming.  It has been proven repeatedly throughout history.  Look it up for yourself.

  4. Cow burps... most people think it is farts.. but actually it is the burps putting out all the methane gas!

  5. Nope, not fossil fuels or any man produced green house gases. It happens to be that big bright round thing we see up in the sky everyday.

  6. ITS US the people we all leave our tvs on for too long or lights or anything and take advantage

  7. Fossil fuels! The ozone layer has very little to do with AGW.  The ozone layer protects the Earth from the damaging cosmic rays from the Sun. Decreases in the thickness of the layer was caused by CFC's, and that problem has been successfully addressed.

  8. the ozone layer has nothing to do with anything.

    Global warming is caused by natural cycles.

    Humans can't do anything about it.

    Don't allow pinhead n***s (most of whom are not even elected to any office) tell you how to live your life, and don't let them raise your taxes.

    If you want to be taxed into abject poverty and have a pathetic life similar to that of a medieval peasant, keep voting for liberal Global Warming n***s.

  9. The IPCC

  10. They have actually completed this study and have determined that the major contributing factor to the hole in the O-zone layer, which is believed to cause global warming, comes from methane gas produced by cows.

  11. 85% solar + 15% internal/thermal +~unknown. These are the primary sources. But there are other profound secondary effects from the black-body concept, albedo, and selective absorbers, just to name a few.

  12. the demos hot air talks.

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