
What do you think is the best FF game??

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i just wanna hear your opinions on the best Final Fantasy game uve ever played...




  1. Final Fantasy VIII is my favorite.

    1 - The characters are all amazing, but still really diverse. Plus the way they interacted was really entertaining (Squall and Rinoa's relationship, Seifer picking on Zell, Irvine flirting...).

    2 - I really got into the storyline. It was complex (with the back-story with Laguna and all), but not so much that it was confusing. It kept me interest.

    3 - Triple Triad is one of the best minigames ever.

    4 - I really like the Draw System. It's a nice change from using MP.

    5 - I've played it multiple times and it's still as great as the first time I played it.

    6 - It was the first Final Fantasy where I was actually old enough to really appreciate it, and it completely blew me away.

    7 - It's not as popular as it's predecessor (I don't think any FF ever will be), but it still lived up to the hype.

    8 - The FMV graphics are incredible. The opening, the waltz scene, and the ending have to be some of the most amazing FMVs in the whole series.

  2. I truly loved FFVII. I loved the story, the characters (Cloud and Sephiroths past were just sooo interesting! And lets not forget our sweet flower girl!) the music was just so beautiful and well composed by the very talent Nobuo Uematsu, that I still listen to the soundtrack.

    The graphics were okay, they were the best for that time, and the CGI movies were amazing.

    And then they decided to expand on the story and Square-Enix gave us Advent Children, Crisis Core, Dirge Of Cerberus, Before Crisis and the stories, "On the way to a Smile: The cases of Tifa, Denzel and Barret, and lets not forgot  "The Maiden Who Travels The Planet"

    And plus Sephiroth has got to be one of the most coolest vilians ever. I just cannot seem to hate him, even after all he did.

    It is just one of the best games I have ever played and is completely unforgettable.  

  3. Final Fantasy 7 - there are too many 7 titles out there to choose from.

  4. i believe it is FF 10, for many reasons.

    1 its the game that got me hooked on final fantasy games and i actually went backwards from there.

    2 i loved the sphere grid, you got to actually somewhat chose how you wanted to level up your characters instead of just level up and its mapped out for you.

    3 the characters are so completely different but all connected by yuna. plus kimahri is hella cool

    4 it had by far the coolest videos and cutscenes with a feature that let you go back and watch them all.

    5 it is the first and only game that people wrote in about to the creators that they wanted to see what happened to tidus and yuna after..... the people made final fantasy 10-2, the only sequel in the final fantasy series. i didnt like the sequel but it still was fan based in the first place.

    6 the aeons looked amazing as compared to past games, while sticking to the original ideas of the aeons,

    7 i felt like i was tidus, none of the other games pulled me is as much, they were amazing story lines but i just got sucked into ff 10.

    8 the weapons were mostly legit and realistic, i mean comon cloud had a sword that was like 10 ft tall.... really, and the gun for a hand.... be serious.

    9 blitzball was the best mini game ever, it was a mix of soccer and football... not to mention you could buid your own team, i like to  have wakka tidus and brother on the team.

    10 you could capture all of the different enemies so you could fight gigantic and almost impossible mosters at the calm lands....

    11 it was one of the few final fantsy games i played multiple times and still had fun... ff 10, ff 8, ff 7

    12 there were hundreds of people like me who played there first final 10 as there first final fantasy game and then went back to play the others.

    and there is 12 legit reasons why final fantasy 10 was the best game in the final fantasy series.

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