
What do you think is the best alternate fuel?

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(for cars)




  1. hydrogen  electrocute water seperate the hydrogen from the oxygen bottle the hydrogen burn it out the exhaust  out comes water not carbon dioxide monoxide and if combustion temp is to high nox gas reale good stuf to breath in but then again im a rev head i love the smell of unburnt hyro carbons cof cof spluter cof!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. WATER but it might hurt sea animals habitats

  3. Hydrogen. It's one of the most abundant elements on this planet. When you burn it, there's no pollution, just heat and water as a byproduct. Once they get over the supply and storage hurdles,I believe this is the future of alternative fuels.

  4. The concept of 'alternate energy' is a broad concept and it not easy to be decidedd on the basis of opinion of an individuals that which is the best form of alternate energy .

    Depending upon the availability the opinion may change from person to person.

    For example-

    Solar Energy is the best alternate flue, for those places where adequate amount of sun light is available throughout the year.

    Similarly Hydraulic Energy is best where sources of water is available sufficiently.

    Thus this matter depends upon many other factors associated also, but as for as cost is concerned Hydraulic Energy is the cheapest among all and therefor my opinion goes with it.

  5. I would say that bio diesel is the most practical and realistic.

    It produces cleaner air with the same or better horse power. It also runs about 35 -50 cents a gallon to make on your own.

    It can be produced in your backyard and if the government would deregulate it so that people could make it we would all benefit. What would happen is little companies would start making and selling it then large companies would buy them out lowering the prices and making it cleaner better and faster. Stations would start selling it all over the place.

    FYI - Every GM vehicle produced since the 90s can run on it.

    The water car is still a dream...sorry. it looks and sounds cool but you need an 18 wheelers worth of hydrogen to equal 1 tank of gas. Just because it can be done in a small scale does not mean its ready for the real world.

    As for the future hydrogen WILL NOT be the answer. The goal would be a power source that never needs to be refilled and can be purchased 1 time. Engineers today have visions of this and expect it to be reality in 50 years.

    The reality is most of the options being shown today are neat and make people feel warm and fuzzy but the reality is that until an energy source is found that lasts extensive amounts of time and does not use natural resorces can be found it just warm and fuzzy talk. It is in the works and like I said about 50 years out.

  6. Remember the phrase "there is no free lunch".  

    Biodiesel is pretty good, but it needs more work in growing biodiesel crops where food isn't already grown.  Boeing (the airplane maker) is working really hard on that, because airplanes use so much fuel that if they don't find an alternative to oil, nobody'll buy airplanes!

    The people saying "water" don't know what they're talking about.  No one has ever managed it and there aren't any "secret" technologies.  

    Hydrogen is not a fuel source like oil, it's a storage device like a battery.  You have to put more energy into making hydrogen than you get out of it.  It's also less efficient than a battery.

    Ethanol has issues.  As a distilled fuel, it takes a LOT of energy to make it.  It's not quite like hydrogen, though.  It's possible to get more energy out of ethanol than you put into making it.  The problem is that we don't.  Fuel used to be cheap, it's been cheap for 50 years, so for the last 50 years, farming has changed to assume cheap fuel and use LOTS of it to grow food!  Nowadays they put 3/4 gallon of fuel into growing enough ethanol to replace 1 gallon of fuel.  That doesn't work, does it?   And because farming is so dependent on fuel, when fuel went up, food went up too!  Not what you want.  

    Ethanol would work better if they unhooked American farming from oil.   It works in Brazil because Brazil grows sugarcane in their tropical lands and they don't use a lot of petroleum making sugarcane.  

  7. not fuel but water...they got it in germany now and japan...from the filipino inventor

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