
What do you think is the best eye color??

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I have green eyes and i think they are really pretty, but my sister also has really bright blue eyes




  1. it depends wot colour hair and skin uv got  

  2. any color is good. :]

    i have blue and i love them. :]]

  3. It depends on the person because everyone looks good with their own eye colour.It makes them look like themselves and makes other people like it on them.

  4. i have tan skin and green eyes and i love it!

  5. Brown eyes are best for girls i hav them...for boys i love blue eyes...there is a song:brown eyed girl!

  6. For green eyes try a golden colour

  7. i have blue eyes, and i like them for the most part.

    except i am really pale.  and my mom said that people with brown eyes have a pigment in their skin that makes their skin a little bit darker.  and i've meet a couple ppl who are GERGOUS with brown eyes, so that kinda makes me want them, or be born with them.  

    so now i wish i was born with brown eyes.  but idk how they would look on me.

  8. it depends what your skin tone is and who you are. i have brown eyes and i like them but blue and green eyes are beautiful too. but im happy with my eyes i wouldnt change them =]

  9. oooh!!! omg i luv u im like addicted to soccer!! haha but besides.. i have blue eyes and i get alot of compliments on them. but to be honest with you alot of the guys i have met have said the like green eyes also. hope this helps!!!

    haha and keep up the soccer!!

  10. i like both blue and green because they are pretty much the most colorful..xD hehehee but im a blue eyed girl and my sis has gorgeous green eyes so im in a tizzy too...


  11. I love green eyes. They are the prettiest. I also like hazel. They are very unique

  12. All eye colours are beautiful so long they have perfect make-up.

  13. I have hazel eyes and I personally ADORE green eyes. I also like eye colors like purple and grey and yellow (a bit creepy but nice once u get over the strangeness factor... and yes, there are such eye colors)

  14. None.

    Every color could be beautifull.  

  15. i have green,tooo and i get alot of compliments on them ! i love them so very much . but my friend has blue eyes and i think he average of people think blue is a bit prettier but ive heard guys love green eyes . . . so well learn to love ours(: but personally i think there both very pretty !

  16. i like green eyes..

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