
What do you think is the best solution for philippines' economic problem right now?

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who should be blamed of?and why?

what must be done to save the philippines?




  1. Its a very complex problem, but Melissa B has a really good point.  The government can't be blamed for the situation in total, much has to do with the attitude of the people.

    There seems to be a really passive attitude about the tough economy, and a large number of people find it easier to just blame someone else.  Many also find it easier to have someone send them money than to actually go do work.  This whole culture of some family members finding better jobs (at home or abroad), and then spending large portions of their income on supporting other family members is not good.

    I would never even think of loaning or giving anyone in my family money because I don't think any of them are working hard enough, so I don't really understand the whole thing about mixing money with family.

    Of course corruption at all levels doesn't help, but people forget that countires like the USA are just as corrupt at the top level as the Philippines, if not even much much worse.  Just look at what George & d**k have done to the US economy in the past 8 years, and then remember they both have vested interests in the oil industry.  They are laughing their a$$ off at people paying $4 for gas.

  2. The People. Those representatives of our municipalities in the congress. They are the law maker. They have the power to make the real change.

    The problem of the Philippines is the system of Law. no agency is working to monitor corruption.Agency to protect the system. Everyone on power seems has their own law based on their own personal interest. Either lazy or lack of understanding due to low quality educated general public. People can't express their true thoughts intelligently instead of violence or just plain demonstration.

    The present law is no longer applicable in today's kind of life. Most of them know very much to control and get away from the present ancient system of law. no matter who will they thought to be a good candidate to be in a position, they will always be tempted to do corruption. it's a human instinct for self preservation. There are always been corruption everywhere but if you know you can't get away from it, you won't dare to do it. Because the system lacks security.

    Its the same problem i heard since i was born in this country. its was so sad, The Philippines as a whole can't realized we are always just doing the same mistake every 4 years. People we are not animals. we should not be stupid.

  3. As far as I know not only the government to be blame about the economic problem.  The main reason everybody in Philippines are corrupt.  

  4. Who should be blamed: government

    Why: corruption

    What must be done: line corrupt officials and shoot them all. For something more linient, give them all a trial, then put them to jail or death row.

    Then start from scratch, begining with education-this one is KEY.

    Sorry, I hate politics.

  5. who should be blamed of? = The people who voted

    and why? = for obvious reason, they vote and later complain

    what must be done to save the Philippines? = Change the form of government. Go for communism. Nobody will complain that someone else has more except for the leader. If limiting freedom of expression is the way to make grounds equal then why not.

    For those who blames the government, Philippines is a democratic country hence, the government IS the people. So blame yourselves.

  6. Appropriate the funds correctly by catching and convicting corrupt politicians and government employees and wipe out rebels and terrorists organizations like NPA, ASG, MILF, and MNLF so that those poor areas can see prosperity and civilization..

    We should blame ourselves because our culture drove us to this situation..

    Refer to the 1st paragraph for the solution..

  7. - blame the leaders of the land, crooked cronies, dirty politicians, corrupt government officials and undiscipline citizens of the philippines.  why? they live with sole purpose, their own vested interests.

    - i don't want civil war, but if the future would end this way to pave the way for progress, then so be it.


  8. Put the Sheik (King?) of Dubai in charge.  Just look at what he's done to his tiny country .  It's unimaginable.... the most expensive hotel in the world built into the ocean... multi-million dollar homes built on man-made islands... much, much more.

    I wish I could live there.  

  9. You cannot change it.  Its Gods will because of the people is all thief or swindler or prostitute or all of the above.  Blame Gloria.  Then when you kick her out blame the next one.  You all deserve what you get because you are anti-american acting like you are better than somebody else. Its karma.

  10. why do people always blame the government? Yes.. i know some of them are corrupt but also remember not all of them are and some of them might even trying to do good to the public. Why can't we just start the change in ourselves? rather than blaming and hating on one another? It's just annoying to see people go on 'tv or radio' to "beg" because they can't support their children... they need money for the operation.. etc etc. I know there are some things people don't have a control of, but we can do a lot of things by working on the same goal TOGETHER.  

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